Thursday, May 21, 2020

Motivational Interviewing Motivation And Process

Motivational Interviewing The process of motivational interviewing is essentially about creating intrinsic motivation to change within the client (Moyers, 1998). The choice to change must originate with the client and the process for helping this occur begins with motivational interviewing. There are two phases within motivational interviewing, the first focuses on increasing the client’s motivation to change and the second phase is negotiating a plan and consolidating commitment. It is important to understand the traps that can be encountered within this process, such as the question/answer trap. In this trap the client is led by the counselor with little chance to have free speech to explain themselves because the counselor is just focused on the next question instead of focusing on where the client is leading them. This trap is very similar to the expert trap in the fact that the client is left to believe they cannot find answers for themselves; they instead must listen to the expert who is giving t hem the answers. This is most definitely not the way to motivate a client to make changes for themselves. Other traps include premature focus, denial, labeling, and blaming; all of which can prevent the client from opening up in the treatment process. Motivational interviewing includes opening strategies to allow the process of eliciting readiness, providing feedback or information to the patient, and then eliciting the patient s interpretation of the information to flowShow MoreRelatedNutrition Counseling : The Process Of Guiding A Client Toward A Healthy Nutrition Lifestyle1396 Words   |  6 PagesNutrition counselling can be defined as â€Å"the process of guiding a client toward a healthy nutrition lifestyle by meeting normal nutritional needs and solving problems that are barriers to change†. 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