Monday, August 24, 2020
Web security authentication and authorization Research Paper
Web security validation and approval - Research Paper Example Validation Mechanism If a specific asset should be protected,using basic verification mechanism,Apache server sends a header incorporating â€Å"401 authentications†in rest to the solicitation. As the client enter credentials,consisting of username and password,for the asset to be returned as mentioned. In addition, when 401 reaction headers get by the internet browser, it requests that the client determine username and secret word so as to verify the client. So also, the server will check the qualifications in the sheltered rundown, in the event that they are accessible; the asset is made accessible to the client. Making sure about the Contents For any individual asset on a web server, the system for making sure about substance remembers activities for terms of venture to design rudimentary verification strategies. The initial step is make a secret key record. The subsequent advance is to decide the arrangement so as to acquire the document containing passwords for example t he secret word document. Additionally, the initial step is to decide legitimate client certifications, comprising of username and secret word. In like manner, the certifications gave by the client are coordinated effectively to a substantial username and secret phrase records. The secret phrase document is made on the server to approve genuine client confirmation component. Be that as it may, the secret word record is a fragile and private snippet of data and must be put away outside of the archive catalog so as to wipe out any potential dangers from programmers or infections. For making a secret word record, an utility names as â€Å"htpasswd†is executed. It is â€Å"htpasswd is utilized to make and update the level records used to store usernames and secret key for fundamental verification of HTTP clients. In the event that htpasswd can't get to a document, for example, not having the option to keep in touch with the yield record or not having the option to peruse the doc ument so as to refresh it, it restores a blunder status and makes no changes†(Htpasswd - oversee client records for essential confirmation - apache HTTP server ). This utility is situated in the â€Å"bin†index of the Apache. For example, it is accessible in/usr/neighborhood/apache/receptacle/htpasswd. Be that as it may, for the production of the record, certain orders are executed. For instance, to make a secret key record these orders are executed: ‘htpasswd †c/client/nearby/apache/passwd/passwords username’ After executing the order, ‘htpasswd ’ will provoke the client for the secret word. Besides, subsequent to giving the secret phrase, the record is made. So as to add another client to the secret word list, following order is executed: ‘htpasswd/usr/neighborhood/apache/passwd/passwords testuser’ This order will add this client certifications to the secret phrase document. What's more, the client name, named as ‘te stuser’ is as of now made before on the webserver. After the production of the secret phrase record, Apache setup is led with the necessary orders. The mandates are situated in a ‘.htaccess’ record, on a specific catalog related with server design. Web Contents Prevention In request to keep up a complex web server, web content avoidance is fundamental to guarantee the wellbeing of web substance accessible on the web server. Apache ‘digest authentication’ is made for this reason. It is a â€Å"method of confirmation in which a solicitation from a potential client is gotten by a system server and afterward sent to a space controller†(What is digest verification? - definition from ). The order ‘digest authentication’ is executed on the module named as ‘mod_auth_digest’. This utility will never transmit the passwords over the system. Truth be told, these documents are transmitted through MD5 processed password s, taking out assaults, for example, sniffing the system traffic for passwords. There are a few stages joined so as to achieve this utility from the Apache web server. In like manner, the design for digest validation is very like the premise confirmation. The initial step includes the making of a secret phrase record. The order executed for the creation
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Biography – Herman Von Fehling
Herman von Fehling was a German scientist, who created Fehling’s arrangement which was utilized for estimations of sugar. The Fehling’s arrangement is a synthetic test used to separate between water-solvent sugars and ketone useful gatherings, and as a test for monosaccharide. When working with Fehling’s arrangement, Fehling took extra preparatory estimations when working in the research center. He made two separate arrangements known as Fehling’s An and Fehling’s B.Fehling’s A will be a blue arrangement of Copper II, Sulfate, while Fehling’s B is an away from of potassium, sodium, tartrate (Rhochelle Salt) and a solid antacid (Sodium hydroxide). The volumes of the two blends are blended to get the last Fehling’s arrangement. In this blend, the watery tartrate particles from the disintegrated Rochelle salt particles from the broke down Copper II sulfate, as bidentate ligands giving bistartratocuprate II. The tartarate particles, by finishing copper, forestall the arrangement of Cu(OH)2 from the response of CuSO42H2O and NaOH in the solution.Fehling’s arrangement is an oxidizing specialist in the Bistartratocuprate II and the dynamic reagent in the test. The compound being tried is added to Fehling’s arrangement and the blend is warmed. The aldehydes are oxideized, giving a positive outcome, however ketones don't reacte, except if they are alpha-hydroxy-ketones. The bistratratocuprate II is a complex oxidizes the aldehyde to the carboxylate anion, and in the process the copper II particles of the xomplex are diminished to Copper I ions.A negative outcome is the nonattendance of the red accelerate; Fehling’s won't work with sweet-smelling aldehydes; all things considered Tollen’s reagent †a chermical reagent most generally used to decide if a realized carbonyl contation compound is an aldehyde or a ketone, a positive test with Tollen’s reagent sults in essential silver precipitation out of arrangement, once in a while outo the internal surface of the cylinder, productiona trademark and critical â€Å"silver mirror†on the inward serface †ought to be used.Fehling’s prior work included examinations of succinic corrosive, soul of golden (white, scentless strong †assumes a job in citrus extract cycle, a vitality yielding procedure) and the readiness of phenyl cyanide (benzonitrile †natural compound, with a sweet almond scent). After numerous logical revelations or examinations Fehling began to lean more towards innovation and general wellbeing as opposed to chemistry.Fehling began to work with estimation of sugars (Fehling’s Solution) which was an answer of copper sulfate blended in with antacid and potassium sodium tartrate (Rochelle Salt). Fehling was conceived June 25, 1812 and passed on July 1, 1885, Fehling went to Heidelberg University around 1835 with the aim of taking drug store when entering. After Graduat ion he went to Gieben as a preparateur to Justus von Liebig, whom he made the organization of paraldehyde and metdehyde.After his find with Sugar he contributed into the composition of Graham-Otto Textbook of Chemistry and Handworterbuch with Friedrich Wholer and Johann Christian Poggendorff. Fehling turned into an individual from the board of trustees of the Pharmacopeia Germanica and he was named to the seat of science in the polytechnic in Stuttgart for a long time. He kicked the bucket in Stuttgart in 1885.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Lavender Essential Oil Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Interactions
Lavender Essential Oil Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Interactions Holistic Health Print The Health Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil This soothing oil can calm anxiety and improve sleep By Cathy Wong Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Caitilin Kelly, MD on November 22, 2019 Caitilin Kelly, MD, is a clinical physician at Indiana University Health Bloomington Hospital and is board-certified in internal medicine. Learn about our Medical Review Board Caitilin Kelly, MD Updated on February 03, 2020 More in Self-Improvement Holistic Health Happiness Meditation Stress Management Spirituality Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships View All Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils used in aromatherapy. Distilled from the plant Lavandula angustifolia, the oil promotes relaxation and believed to treat anxiety, fungal infections, allergies, depression, insomnia, eczema, nausea, and menstrual cramps. In essential oil practices, lavender is a multipurpose oil. It is purported to have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as well as antispasmodic, analgesic, detoxifying, hypotensive, and sedative effects.?? Verywell / Gary Ferster Health Benefits Lavender essential oil and its properties have been widely studied. Heres a look at the research. Anxiety While theres currently a lack of large-scale clinical trials testing lavenders effects on people with anxiety, a number of studies show that the oil may offer some anti-anxiety benefits. Several studies have tested lavenders anxiety-reducing effects in specific populations. For example, a study published in Physiology Behavior in 2005 focused on 200 people awaiting dental treatment and found that breathing in the scent of lavender both lessened anxiety and improved mood.?? In addition, a pilot study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice in 2012 indicates that lavender-essential-oil-based aromatherapy may help soothe anxiety in high-risk postpartum women. In an experiment involving 28 women who had given birth in the previous 18 months, researchers found that four weeks of twice-weekly, 15-minute-long aromatherapy sessions helped alleviate depression in addition to lowering anxiety levels.?? Theres also some evidence that ingesting lavender oil may help relieve anxiety. In a report published in Phytomedicine in 2012, for instance, scientists analyzed 15 previously published clinical trials and concluded that dietary supplements containing lavender oil may have some therapeutic effects on patients struggling with anxiety and/or stress.?? A more recent review of the literature found 5 studies (2010, 2010, 2014, 2015 and 2016) showed benefits ins participants with moderate to severe anxiety. Insomnia Several studies have shown lavender essential oil may help promote sleep and fight insomnia. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine found a combination of sleep hygiene techniques and lavender essential oil therapy helped college students get a better nights sleep than sleep hygiene alone. The study of 79 students with self-reported sleep problems also found inhaling lavender at bedtime improved daytime energy and vibrancy.?? A 2018 study published in Holistic Nursing Practice confirms lavenders effect on sleep. In this study of 30 residents of a nursing home, lavender aromatherapy was found to improve sleep onset, quality, and duration in an elderly population.?? Possible Side Effects Lavender essential oil may cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction in some individuals. If you experience nausea, vomiting, or a headache after using lavender, discontinue use immediately. Because consuming lavender essential oil can have toxic effects, this remedy should not be ingested unless under the supervision of a medical professional. Dosage and Preparation There is no recommended daily allowance for lavender essential oil. According to the principles of aromatherapy, breathing in the scent of lavender essential oil or applying lavender essential oil to the skin transmits messages to the limbic system, a brain region known to influence the nervous system and help regulate emotion. One popular approach involves combining lavender oil with a carrier oil (such as jojoba or sweet almond). Once blended with a carrier oil, lavender essential oil can be massaged into your skin or added to your bath. You can also sprinkle a few drops of lavender essential oil onto a cloth or tissue and inhale its aroma, or add the oil to an aromatherapy diffuser or vaporizer. What to Look For Essential oils are not regulated by the FDA and do not have to meet any purity standards. When purchasing essential oils, look for a supplier who either distills their own material or deals directly with reputable distillers, and uses gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to analyze the quality of the product. When buying pure lavender essential oil, check the label for its Latin name, Lavandula angustifolia. No other oils or ingredients should be listed. If you see another oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil, or sweet almond oil, the lavender is diluted and should not be used in a diffuser. Essential oils should be packaged in a dark amber or cobalt bottle and stored out of sunlight. Other Questions Can lavender essential oil treat allergies? Many essential oil proponents recommend using a combination of lavender, lemon, and peppermint oil to relieve allergy symptoms, and claim that lavender is a natural antihistamine. A 1999 study printed in the J Pharm Pharmaceuticals did find that lavender oil inhibits immediate type allergic reactions in mice and rats. Will adding lavender oil to my mascara make my lashes grow faster? Adding lavender oil to mascara is purported to help lashes grow thicker and faster. The theory behind this is that tiny mites live on and feast on eyelashes inhibiting growth, and using lavender to kill the mites will allow lashes to grow faster. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Is lavender essential oil a cure for baldness? A few studies over the years have suggested that lavender oil may reverse hair loss. A 2016 study on mice showed that a diluted topically applied lavender essential oil did lead to dramatic hair growth. An earlier study (1998) looked at people with alopecia areata showed improvement in hair growth with a topically applied combination of lavender, thyme, rosemary and cedarwood. A Word From Verywell While lavender may help soothe mild anxiety, it should not be used in place of professional mental health treatment for any type of anxiety disorder. If youre experiencing symptoms of anxiety such as constant worrying, fatigue, insomnia, and rapid heartbeat, make sure to consult your primary care provider rather than self-treating your anxiety with lavender.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Motivational Interviewing Motivation And Process
Motivational Interviewing The process of motivational interviewing is essentially about creating intrinsic motivation to change within the client (Moyers, 1998). The choice to change must originate with the client and the process for helping this occur begins with motivational interviewing. There are two phases within motivational interviewing, the first focuses on increasing the client’s motivation to change and the second phase is negotiating a plan and consolidating commitment. It is important to understand the traps that can be encountered within this process, such as the question/answer trap. In this trap the client is led by the counselor with little chance to have free speech to explain themselves because the counselor is just focused on the next question instead of focusing on where the client is leading them. This trap is very similar to the expert trap in the fact that the client is left to believe they cannot find answers for themselves; they instead must listen to the expert who is giving t hem the answers. This is most definitely not the way to motivate a client to make changes for themselves. Other traps include premature focus, denial, labeling, and blaming; all of which can prevent the client from opening up in the treatment process. Motivational interviewing includes opening strategies to allow the process of eliciting readiness, providing feedback or information to the patient, and then eliciting the patient s interpretation of the information to flowShow MoreRelatedNutrition Counseling : The Process Of Guiding A Client Toward A Healthy Nutrition Lifestyle1396 Words  | 6 PagesNutrition counselling can be defined as â€Å"the process of guiding a client toward a healthy nutrition lifestyle by meeting normal nutritional needs and solving problems that are barriers to change†. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Poverty And Poverty - 1081 Words
Poverty within humanity has been a pressing social issue for centuries. Historically, wars have been waged and governmental regimes toppled because of the clash between wealthy aristocracy and the poor working class. One of the most notable of this type of dispute is the French Revolution. The French Revolution sparked country across Europe and the world, giving rise to the formation of new political opinion of the poor. Famous authors and politicians during the time, like Thomas Paine and Edmund Burke, sparked an emergence of differing opinions from those commonly held prior to the revolution on the topics of human nature’s impact on poverty and original sin. In today’s day and age, this difference of opinion is still prevalent within†¦show more content†¦The image Burke and More created of the poor was highly negative with no room for improvement in their condition, and condemned the impoverished to their social situation. Meanwhile, other political activists during this time disputed More and Burke’s claims on poverty. Thomas Paine and Mary Wollstonecraft supported the revolution and envisioned human nature in a more positive light. Instead of original sin and condemnation, they saw a perfectibility within humanity. The original sin doctrine was just a way to obtain power and scare people into submission. Like Wollstonecraft states, â€Å". . . the wild traditions on original sin . . . on which priests have erected their tremendous structures of imposition, to persuade us, that we are naturally inclined to evil†(81). By enforcing and stressing original sin upon the masses, people have been tricked to believe that human nature is inherently bad. Therefore, poverty is not caused by sin, but instead a poor governmental system. The risk that these political activists took can most clearly be seen through the happenings following the publication of Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man. Acro ss Britain effigies were burned in his honor because people believed that his ideas were inciting rebellion (69). Paine created radical plans on how to help the impoverished through progressive taxation and work towards the prevention of poverty through giving every personShow MoreRelatedPoverty Of Poverty And Poverty1134 Words  | 5 Pageseach day as a result of poverty (â€Å"Child Mortality Rate Drops†). On their website, The World Bank calculated that the amount of people living in extreme poverty was likely to fall below ten percent in 2015. Even though the poverty rate has decreased, there are still many people living in extreme poverty. One billion children in the world live in poverty and organizations like Compassion International are helping give them a new life (â€Å"Poverty Facts and Stats†). What is poverty? There are two specificRead MoreThe Poverty Of Poverty And Poverty1394 Words  | 6 Pagesare so many Americans living in poverty today, and the number of those living in poverty will probably only go up from here. What s even more disheartening is that a lot of the poverty stricken families include young children. America is considered one of the richest nations in the world, and that we are so much better off than other countries. While it may be true, I beg to ask the question of why are so many of our fellow brothers and sisters living in poverty? For those of us who are fortunateRead MorePoverty And Poverty : Poverty1662 Words  | 7 Pages Poverty for centuries has been a very severe issue that has troubled many nations while impeding economic developments and progress. Poverty stricken countries are majorly concentrated in the continents of Africa and Asia. 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Poverty can be solved with the help of organizations, the government or the president,Read MorePoverty And Poverty : Poverty1950 Words  | 8 PagesAlthough many see poverty as a choice, made by those who are lazy and prefer to do nothing but expect to reap the same benefits of people who work hard every day to provide for their families. In some cases this may be true but, poverty will wreak havoc on any and all of those who have the misfortune of crossing paths with it. Poverty is alive and well throughout the world, and it has an unyielding pulse here in the United States. It has been discovered that The poorest families in America areRead MorePoverty Of Poverty And Poverty861 Words  | 4 PagesI. Background, Statistics, Introduction Poverty traps are economic anomalies that continually reinforce poverty within a country’s, or multiple countries’, economies. 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Broad Political Theory Questions Free Essays
string(70) " It thus led Plato into believing that there was no infallible truth\." Picking on materialism in Feuerbach, Marx claims sensuousness and actuality as the main objects of contemplation. This implicitly implies that humanity is interested on selfish issues which result to individual pleasure. Objectivity is also viewed in regards to whether humanity can remain objective. We will write a custom essay sample on Broad Political Theory Questions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Marx‘s position is of critical importance though the stand on whether it has changed the world remains debatable. Locke’s philosophy has played a big part in the present day events. A look at the American constitution serves as a pointer to this view. Even the unites nations charter on human rights seems to have made reference to Lockes’ work especially on property rights. Locke seems too be an advocate of a free society in which individuals get to benefit equitably. Though this has not been achieved, the society has made remarkable improvements towards attaining certain universal goals like the millennium development goals. The pursuit of objectivity as implied by Marx is thus a unifying feature of the two philosophers. Plato only interpreted the world while attempting to achieve his goal of indicating or underscoring the importance of the republic. Whereas, the pursuit if justice is of noble consideration, it remains to be seen whether, it has been achieved or whether it will ever be achieved. The effect that the Plato philosophy has had remains persistent and unbroken. The academy the philosopher opened in Athens remains a pillar of the works undertaken by the scholar. The influences of Plato are known to have played a significant role in shaping various religious developments over a long period of time. If justice is to be attained, then objectivity is a prerequisite, a fact observed by Marx. 2. Machiavelli used hypocrisy to lay siege on the Christian faith. The philosopher was always against morality apart from the support he gave to those intending to stand on its way. Christianity is based on what its faith call good morals. As Machiavelli puts it, morality is not an issue if it cannot be justified. Machiavelli believed that it’s the ‘end that justifies the means’. Machiavelli saw every piece of religion as an act of propaganda. Machiavelli thought that the Christian faith would collapse before the world itself came to an end. Through social relativism, Machiavelli claimed the absence of the Christian god. In this construction, it was claimed that since God never existed to offer universal morals, then there were no morals top be followed. Socrates is believed to have carried a study on what constituted holiness. This in itself presented an act of impiety. While facing a case in Xenophon, Socrates twice objected to using a divine sign ass he prepared his defense. Socrates in another case chose to save Euthyphro instead of saving himself. In short, the prime focus rests on the accusation against Socrates as introducing new gods in the town. The two philosophers appeared to have veered off societal godly underpinnings. The fact that Socrates is accused of bringing gods to town serves as a pointer to the fact that there are respected and un-respected gods. Machiavelli’s rebuttal of the Christian faith also presents the philosopher as a person that objects to well crafted societal religious leanings. It is thus held that these two philosophers played a role in jeopardizing well regarded traditions during their time. 3. Socrates uses the human tendency to corruption to propagate his preferred type of leadership. Socrates points to timocracy, democracy, oligarchy, and tyranny as unacceptable forms of government. Socrates finally submitted that if ruling was to attain the best for society, then it should be left to philosopher leaders. In Socrates’ thinking, the philosophers were the most just and least susceptible to graft. The scholar augmented the position by claiming that the philosophers were in a position to rule in pursuit of the good for the city as opposed to for the self. In a legitimate society, there is no room for societal divisions; all citizens should enjoy same level benefits. Thomas Hobbes’ views on the best possible form or structure of government were premised on a society led by a powerful leviathan. Based on social contract theories, the focus remains on the creation of a strong centre of administration. This type of government as proposed by Hobbes will guarantee the security and welfare of the people. Any abuses that may arise as a result of the leadership by the leviathan must be accepted. This is premised on the fact that the people by setting up the leviathan, agreed to cede their natural power. Socrates manages to drive to his peers that a government is a role played best by people disconnected with self interest. On the other hand, one gets the impression that Hobbes was driving home the need to have a powerful leadership that was not answerable to people. In the Socrates’ society individuals would have a say, while in the Hobbesian society, individuals would not hold a say on public issues. 4. Thomas Hobbes believed that human desires, selfish interests, pleasures and pains of a moment played a key role in decision making. These factors among others imply tat the human nature cannot be relied upon in passing judgment on a number of issues as distortions may occur. Hobbes focal point in relation to human nature remains premised on the concept of motivation. Hobbes saw man as a self centered and rationally calculating individual. It is thus highly unlikely that people will pursue common good. Individuals due to their selfish stances are thus destined top pursue personal goals even if this means putting the goals of the rest at stake. In Hobbes thinking, common good is thus an illusion. In reference to Plato, the pursuit of happiness had to lie with the observation of virtues and commonly accepted doctrines. Plato held the Sophistic view concerning knowledge which saw it as subjective and relative. This, in reference to Plato, undermined morality. It thus led Plato into believing that there was no infallible truth. You read "Broad Political Theory Questions" in category "Papers" Plato failed to see the point why a person who could not understand the self and rules of morality would be bound to look beyond the principle of self actualization. In short, if morality does not take care of individual interests, then individuals are not bound to observe its dictates. Plato saw man’s nature as rational and expected society to be organized in tandem with requirements of civility on rational principles. As a rational being, a human being knows or is in a position to evaluate every case scenario and pursues what best serves the interests desired by the individual in question. 5. On the basis of Aristotle, happiness is not primarily premised upon an exercise of virtue but rather on the administering of an ideal state. In a nut shell, the interests of all are closely knit together such that the interests of all resemble the interests of a single individual in the republic. In precise terms, all individual acts are for the common good. This altruistic stance remains questionable as it is difficult in practice top find such states. Niccolo Machiavelli is famous for the advice given to the monarch with a view to power monopolization. Machiavelli advocated for policies that would discourage mass activism in political affairs. Machiavelli believed the citizenry was well exercising its energies in private practice in the process leaving out political and state activities. In his book, the Prince, Machiavelli urged the monarch to use violence and force to achieve the government goals. Machiavelli held the view that political aims could not be led by a single set of religious or moral ideas. From the above two positions, it emerges that there are interests to be protected by any state or society. The societal or state claims are wide varied as the ruled and the rulers may conflict on interests. Even if there were no conflicts, still issues regarding approach would arise. This puts the leaders, the few, against the ruled, the many. On this basis, Machiavelli sought to have the ruler have enormous responsibility in making decisions as the many could spoil the aspirations of a republic. However, Aristotle envisaged a scenario; whereby the interests are melted down to reflect a single position, a position difficult to reach. Hence this implied that the leaders had to take a position that they thought would serve societal interests. 6. Aristotle viewed natural justice as a special species of political justice. Inn this view, Aristotle believed that a society had to enlist distributive and corrective measures to ensure societal cohesion. Aristotle claimed further, that the best regime may not after all the one that observes the rule of law in its operations. On the basis of Aristotle every civilized society had a set of rules and regulations it used to govern behaviour. In Aristotle’s views, civilized society emerged as a result of the emerging need to develop laws to regulate certain aspects of life within different societies. Thomas Hobbes uses the term leviathan to capture the collective will of people. These people come together to form a government that retains the sovereign authority. To Thomas Hobbes, collective will is the major force behind the formation of a civilized society. The people realized that they had collective desire, to achieve the different desires; they saw it worthy to establish an authority to take care of their needs. The biggest need being the provision of security so that each individual gets to go about their business without undue disturbance. The differences appear minute in this case as Aristotle’s view of a civilized society was based on the need for cohesiveness in society. On the other hand, the need for civility in reference to Thomas Hobbes rested on the drive to protect collective will. The act of protecting collective will is almost in line with regulating societal aspects so as to exact compliance. However, this should not be misconstrued to mean that the two mean the same thing as only similarities exist. 7. Aristotle believed that family existed just for the sake of political life. Further to this, Aristotle supposedly viewed politics as practiced for friendship purposes. Contrary to this position, Aristotle discussed family relations as types of friendships which are used as designs of political rule. He thus obscures the ordering of the relationships that he advocates in politics. The practice of politics must observe friendly relations just as a family does. In the terms of Aristotle, politics is thus useful in strengthening family ties. The family integrates people into a family and thus aids the formation or the commencement of political life. John Locke’s 2nd treatise of government aimed to show that there was a legitimate foundation between people and power. This was captured by the social contract theory. Locke believed that a political society is not a form of family. In this regard, Locke was trying to discredit the patriarchal kingship. Locke went further to claim that a magistrate’s position on a case could not be compared o a father’s on a child’s case. Locke saw two distinct societies in this scenario. Locke further claimed that the creation of the two societies was different and meant to achieve different goals. In Locke’s observation, the political society’s end is to possess property unlike a familial one that aims at raising children. The major separation point between the two scholars is premised on the aims of the two societies and how they are formed. Whereas Aristotle assumed that the two societies pursue one aim, Locke clearly shows that the aims are distinct in the two societies. The reasons for formation are equally found to be different as opposed to the views posited by Aristotle. 8. Locke’s position on money is viewed in relation to the right to ownership of property. In Locke’s opinion, each individual had the right to acquire property through hard work. However, Locke only saw it necessary that an individual amasses what they only need and ensure that in that pursuit, their labor does not become destructive. In precise terms, what Locke stood for was acquisitions of needs. He was opposed to excessive accumulation of wealth which defines the current society. Locke appeared to assume that all things were naturally available to everybody and thus objected to the systems of accumulation. An accumulation beyond what one could use at the time amounted to acquiring an unfair share. Aristotle saw the necessity of money in human life. However, he made a number of proposals regarding currency. Aristotle saw money as a common measure of al things available for consumption. In a nut shell, Aristotle saw money as the surest way of equalizing all consumables. In Aristotle’s terms, money was necessary to ensure a just and fair exchange system. The philosopher thus argued that money came up in a bid to ease the problem of exchange. In Aristotle’s terms good money had to be durable, portable, divisible, and intrinsically valuable. On the basis of the above presentation, it is crystal clear that Locke saw money as a potential for unfair practices. It could only be fair if each individual would acquire a rightful amount so that everybody’s interests are taken care of. In reference to Aristotle, money was good only if it could be used for constructive purposes. Aristotle did not envisage money to be used in a commercialized manner. This is because of what Aristotle perceived as the nature’s limited nature. How to cite Broad Political Theory Questions, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
What is Revenge free essay sample
An analysis of the concept of revenge in American short stories. This paper discusses the concept of revenge in American literature and examines eight short stories such as The Open Boat and To Build a Fire. The author examines the physical and psychological aspects of revenge. Revenge can be meted out in many ways. It can be impersonal, like the justice system hanging a man, shaving a womans head, or by nature. It can be psychological, like the form of verbal jousting that takes place between lovers or relatives, or even simply seeing an individual whose plight mirrors ones own. Throughout the 20th century there has been a gradual, rather halting decent inward into the rendering of revenge in literature as a more psychological, self-inflicted state. Revenge takes place in the characters imaginations, like the connections Francis draws between himself and the German prisoner-maid, and the wifes fantasy, expressed as a warning, in Steinbecks Chrysanthemums. We will write a custom essay sample on What is Revenge? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Lugar del matrimonio gay para beneficios migratorios
Lugar del matrimonio gay para beneficios migratorios En Estados Unidos los matrimonios gays tienen los mismos beneficios migratorios que los heterosexuales, tanto para el caso de tarjetas de residencia como de visas no inmigrantes. Beneficios migratorios de matrimonios gays Ciudadanos y residentes permanentes pueden solicitar la green card para sus cà ³nyuge, esto aplica tanto a los matrimonios entre una mujer y un varà ³n como a los celebrados entre dos personas del mismo sexo. Adems, los beneficios migratorios por matrimonio tambià ©n aplican en casos de visas no inmigrantes como la F de estudiante. la H-1B, de trabajo, las de inversià ³n o las J-1 de intercambio. En este tipo de visas los cà ³nyuges y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os pueden obtener lo que se conoce com visas derivadas. Pero el matrimonio tiene que ser legal.  ¿Dà ³nde se puede celebrar? Lo importante es que el matrimonio està © vlidamente reconocido en el lugar en el que se celebra. En este artà culo se trata primero de la situacià ³n actual en Estados Unidos y tambià ©n de cà ³mo es la legislacià ³n en otros paà ses ya que se admite el celebrado en el extranjero, si es legal segà ºn tales leyes. Las leyes migratorias no piden que al menos uno de os novios tenga que residir en el lugar de celebracià ³n del matrimonio. Sà ³lo hablan de que sea reconocido legalmente en el lugar de celebracià ³n. Hay que destacar que se habla en todo momento de matrimonio, no de parejas o de uniones de hecho. Matrimonio homosexual en Estados Unidos Una decisià ³n de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos del 26 de mayo de 2015 ha declarado inconstitucional las leyes de los estados que prohibà an el matrimonio entre dos hombres o dos mujeres. Como consecuencia de esta sentencia, en todos los estados de los Estados Unidos es legal el matrimonio gay. Las reglas sobre quà © se necesita las determinan cada estado e, incluso, en casos, los condados o las municipalidades. Asimismo, es legal en todos los territorios de Estados Unidos: Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa y las Islas Và rgenes americanas. Y, por supuesto, en Washington D.C. (la capital del paà s no es un estado. Es un distrito). Lo que importa es que este tipo de matrimonio pasa a poder celebrarse vlidamente en todo el territorio nacional y que el requisito de Inmigracià ³n para que un matrimonio tenga consecuencias migratorias es precisamente ese: que sea vlido y no fraudulento (celebrado à ºnicamente con el propà ³sito de obtener los papeles). Otros paà ses en los que es vlido el matrimonio gay Las autoridades de inmigracià ³n de Estados Unidos reconocen para inmigracià ³n todos los matrimonios celebrados en el extranjero que son vlidos de acuerdo a sus leyes. Por lo tanto, se puede pedir una tarjeta de residencia  o una visa derivada para el marido o la esposa cuando el matrimonio homosexual se ha celebrado en un lugar donde es legal, aunque sea ilegal en el lugar habitual de residencia. Son legales los matrimonios entre dos personas del mismo sexo en: ArgentinaBà ©lgicaBrasilCanadColombiaDinamarca Espaà ±aEstados UnidosFranciaHolandaIrlandaIslandiaLuxemburgoMà ©xico en Campeche, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Jalisco, Michoacn, Morelos, Nayarit, Quintana Rooy DFNoruegaNueva Zelanda PortugalReino Unido SudfricaSueciaUruguay En Finlandia la ley est aprobada y entrar en vigor el 1 de marzo de 2017. En el caso de Israel, no se celebran los matrimonios gays, pero sà que se reconoce la legalidad de los celebrados vlidamente en otros paà ses. Matrimonio gay e inmigracià ³n de los Estados Unidos Para que el matrimonio produzca la green card las leyes migratorias piden que sea vlido y no fraudulento (celebrado à ºnicamente con el propà ³sito de obtener los papeles). Las personas interesadas en solicitar al cà ³nyuge deben familiarizarse con todo lo que hay que saber sobre el complejo trmite de pedir los papeles por matrimonio, incluido los requisitos de ingresos para poder patrocinar, los tiempos de demora en la tramitacià ³n, cuando no es posible pedir las esposo/a debido a su situacià ³n migratoria o cà ³mo las deudas pueden impedirlo. Es tambià ©n importante entender las obligaciones que se contraen cuando se firma el documento que se conoce  como affidavit of support o declaracià ³n de sosteniento ya que es posible que dure ms que el propio matrimonio. Asimismo, los extranjeros para los que se solicita la green card deben familiarizarse con las obligaciones y derechos que da la residencia. Una buena forma es tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples que permite verificar si se conocen los puntos bsicos para disfrutar la residencia y evitar su cancelacià ³n o revocacià ³n. Finalmente, en esta entrevista el abogado Frank Calabrese responde a dudas frecuentes sobre el permiso de residencia por matrimonio gay y tambià ©n peticiones de visa para cà ³nyuges homosexuales. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
JFK’s Brain and Missing Body Parts of Historical Figures
JFK’s Brain and Missing Body Parts of Historical Figures Remember when you were a kid and one of your goofy uncles was always trying to scare you by â€Å"stealing your nose†between his thumb and forefinger? While you quickly figured out your nose was safe, the phrase â€Å"until death do us part†takes on a whole new meaning for some very famous deceased people whose body parts have been oddly â€Å"relocated.†John F. Kennedy’s Vanishing Brain Since that horrible day in November 1963, controversies and conspiracy theories have swirled around the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Perhaps the most bizarre of these controversies involves things that happened during and after President Kennedy’s official autopsy. In 1978, the published findings of the congressional House Select Committee on Assassinations revealed that JFK’s brain had gone missing. While some doctors at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas testified that they had seen First Lady Jackie Kennedy holding a part of her husband’s brain, what happened to it remains unknown. However, it is documented that JFK’s brain was removed during the autopsy and placed in a stainless-steel box that was subsequently handed over to the Secret Service. The box remained locked in the White House until 1965, when JFK’s brother, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, ordered the box to be stored in the National Archives building. However, a National Archives inventory of medical evidence from the JFK autopsy conducted in 1966 showed no record of the box or the brain. Conspiracy theories regarding who stole JFK’s brain and why soon flew. Released in 1964, the Warren Commission report stated that Kennedy had been struck by two bullets fired from the rear by Lee Harvey Oswald. One bullet reportedly went through his neck, while the other struck the back of his skull, leaving bits of brain, bone, and skin scattered about the presidential limousine. Some conspiracy theorists suggested that the brain was stolen in order to hide proof that Kennedy had been shot from the front, rather than from behind - and by someone other than Oswald. More recently, in his 2014 book, End of Days: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, author James Swanson suggests that the president’s brain had been taken by his younger brother, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, â€Å"perhaps to conceal evidence of the true extent of President Kennedys illnesses, or perhaps to conceal evidence of the number of medications that President Kennedy was taking.†Still, others suggest the much less glamorous possibility that the remains of the president’s brain simply got lost somewhere in the fog of confusion and bureaucracy that followed the assassination. Since the last batch of declassified official JFK assassination records released on Nov. 9, 2017, shed no light on the mystery, the whereabouts of JFK’s brain remains unknown today. The Secrets of Einsteins Brain The brains of powerful, intelligent, and talented people like JFK have long been favorite targets of â€Å"collectors†who believe a study of the organs might reveal the secrets of their former owners’ success. Sensing that his brain was somehow â€Å"different,†super-genius physicist Albert Einstein had occasionally expressed his wishes to have his body donated to science. However, the creator of the groundbreaking theory of relativity never bothered to write down his wishes. After he died in 1955, Einstein’s family directed that he - meaning all of him - be cremated. However, Dr. Thomas Harvey, the pathologist who performed the autopsy, decided to remove Albert’s brain before releasing his body to the undertakers. Much to the displeasure of the genius’ loved ones, Dr. Harvey stored Einstein’s brain in his home for nearly 30 years, rather unceremoniously, preserved in two plain Mason jars. The rest of Einstein’s body was cremated, with his ashes scattered in secret locations. After Dr. Harvey’s death in 2010, the remains of Einstein’s brain were transferred to the National Museum of Health and Medicine near Washington, D.C. Since then, 46 thin slices of the brain have been mounted on microscope slides displayed at the Mà ¼tter Museum in Philadelphia. Napoleon’s Man Part After conquering most of Europe, diminutive French military genius and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte died in exile on May 5, 1821. During an autopsy done the next day, Napoleon’s heart, stomach, and other â€Å"vital organs†were removed from his body. While several people witnessed the procedure, one of them reportedly decided to leave with some souvenirs. In 1916, heirs of Napoleons chaplain, Abbà © Ange Vignali, sold a collection of Napoleonic artifacts, including what they claimed to be the emperor’s penis. Whether actually part of Napoleon or not - or even a penis at all - the manly artifact changed hands several times over the years. Finally, in 1977, the item believed to be Napoleon’s penis was sold at auction to leading American urologist John J. Lattimer. While modern forensic tests conducted on the artifact confirm that it is a human penis, whether it was ever really attached to Napoleon remains unknown. John Wilkes Booths Neck Bones or Not? While he might have been an accomplished assassin, John Wilkes Booth was a lousy escape artist. Not only did he break his leg just after murdering President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, just 12 days later, he was shot in the neck and killed in a barn in Port Royal, Virginia. During the autopsy, Booth’s third, fourth, and fifth vertebrae were removed in an attempt to find the bullet. Today, the remains of Booth’s spine are preserved and often displayed at the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington, D.C. According to government assassination reports, Booth’s body was eventually released to the family and buried in an unmarked grave in a family plot at Baltimore’s Green Mount Cemetery in 1869. Since then, however, conspiracy theorists have suggested that it was not Booth who was killed in that Port Royal barn or buried in that Green Mount grave. One popular theory contends Booth escaped justice for 38 years, living until 1903, supposedly committing suicide in Oklahoma. In 1995, Booth’s descendants filed a court request to have the body buried at Green Mount Cemetery exhumed in hopes that it could be identified as their infamous relative or not. Despite having the support of the Smithsonian Institution, the judge denied the request citing previous water damage to the burial plot, evidence that other family members had been buried there, and publicity from the â€Å"less than convincing escape/cover-up theory.†Today, however, the mystery might be solved by comparing DNA from Booth’s brother Edwin to the autopsy bones in the National Museum of Health and Medicine. However, in 2013, the museum denied a request for a DNA test. In a letter to Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen, who had helped craft the request, the museum stated, â€Å"the need to preserve these bones for future generations compels us to decline the destructive test.†The Salvaging of Stonewall Jacksons Left Arm As Union bullets zipped around him, Confederate General Thomas â€Å"Stonewall†Jackson would famously sit â€Å"like a stone wall†astride his horse during the Civil War. However, Jackson’s luck or bravery let him down during the 1863 Battle of Chancellorsville, when a bullet accidentally fired by one of his own Confederate riflemen ripped through his left arm. In what was the common practice of early battlefield trauma treatment, surgeons amputated Jackson’s tattered arm. As the arm was about to be unceremoniously thrown onto a pile of similarly amputated limbs, military chaplain Rev. B. Tucker Lacy decided to save it. As Chancellorsville Park ranger Chuck Young tells visitors, â€Å"Remembering that Jackson was the rock star of 1863, everybody knew who Stonewall was, and to have his arm just simply thrown on the scrap pile with the other arms, Rev. Lacy couldnt let that happen.†Just eight days after his arm was amputated, Jackson died of pneumonia. Today, while most of Jackson’s body is buried at the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery in Lexington, Virginia, his left arm is entered in a private cemetery at Ellwood Manor, not far from the field hospital where it was amputated. The Travels of Oliver Cromwells Head Oliver Cromwell, the sternly Puritan Lord Protector of England, whose parliamentary or â€Å"Godly†party tried to ban Christmas in the 1640s, was far from a wild and crazy guy. But after he died in 1658, his head really got around. Starting as a Member of Parliament during the reign of King Charles I (1600-1649), Cromwell fought against the king during the English Civil War, taking over as Lord Protector after Charles was beheaded for high treason. Cromwell died at age 59 in 1658 from an infection in his urinary tract or kidneys. Following an autopsy, his body was then buried - temporarily - in Westminster Abbey. In 1660, King Charles II - who had been exiled by Cromwell and his cronies - ordered Cromwell’s head placed on a spike in Westminster Hall as a warning to potential usurpers. The rest of Cromwell was hanged and re-buried in an unmarked grave. After 20 years on the spike, Cromwell’s head circulated around small London area museums until 1814, when it was sold to a private collector named Henry Wilkinson. According to reports and rumors, Wilkerson often took the head to parties, using it as a historic - though rather grizzly - conversation-starter. The Puritan leader’s party days finally ended for good in 1960, when his head was permanently buried in the chapel at Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Human Cloning And Its Disadvantages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Cloning And Its Disadvantages - Essay Example  The laws dismayed scientists and experts alike who believe that human cloning can advance humanity. However, an opposing view on human cloning began to broaden as we gradually understand the implications human cloning may pose in the future. Recently, experts in various fields contend that human cloning could become a threat to society if we do not exercise prudence and rationality in the utilization of the said technology. Specialists and ordinary citizens alike assert that human cloning should be banned because of its adverse moral and ethical implications, it is extremely unsafe and it is socially and psychologically harmful. The laws dismayed scientists and experts alike who believe that human cloning can advance humanity. However, an opposing view on human cloning began to broaden as we gradually understand the implications human cloning may pose in the future.  Recently, experts in various fields contend that human cloning could become a threat to society if we do not exercise prudence and rationality in the utilization of the said technology.  Specialists and ordinary citizens alike assert that human cloning should be banned because of its adverse moral and ethical implications, it is extremely unsafe and it is socially and psychologically harmful. The prospect of utilizing cloning technology, not just for the purposes of therapy and treatment of genetically linked diseased but also cloning humans for another purpose, pose profound ethical questions.... This behavior toward children could also lead to heightened2"commercialization and industrialization of human procreation" and could result to a new 'eugenics' in which parents choose what 'kind' of genetically 'modified' child to have. Another of consideration we need to look closely at, is the argument with regards the possibility of creating human life in order to destroy it in the end. As there are two most common prospects of human cloning, one of which is the cloning to replicate a 'whole' human being and the other one is for therapeutic purposes, the majority of the President's Council stressed that cloning for therapeutic purposes obliges that 3"the creation of human life expressly and exclusively for the purpose of its use in research, research that necessarily involves its destruction, ... transform[ing] nascent human life into nothing more than a resource tool." Another danger that comes with the utilization of the technology to clone humans is related to safety. The Council on Bioethics asserted that, 4"[g]iven the highrates of morbidity and mortality in the cloning of other mammals, we believe that cloning-to-produce-children would be extremely unsafe. Scientists and experts agreed that the scientific information indicate that the techniques utilized by scientists is not safe on humans as shown in the experiments with animals demonstrating that, with very many attempts to clone life, only a few percentage is successful. In addition, a great number of the clones die during gestation and most often newborn clones carry abnormalities or die as a result. Although many content that the risks are reduced as the technology advances, reproductive cloning is costly and highly
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Contract law research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Contract law - Research Paper Example As earlier mentioned, a contract refers to a relationship of exchange that is either written or oral agreement between persons. This relationship contains one or more promises, which are legally enforceable. Several crucial elements are reflected by this definition of a contract. They include the following: the first element of an indenture is that, it is an agreement that is either written or oral between a minimum of two persons. This element implies that one cannot make a contract with oneself. The relationship in a contract is consensual and voluntary, meaning that no one is coerced to sign a contract. Even, though, the minimum number of people required in signing a contract is two, the transaction can involve a limitless number of parties. The parties create a contract with intent and free will to be bound, and they reach an agreement concerning vital provisions of the relationship. A contractual obligation is distinguished from other legal duties by the agreement element. The s econd element is that a contract is a relationship of exchange that is based on the principle of offer and acceptance. This element emphasizes that the parties who enter in to a contract are bound together by the by a commodity that they are exchanging. Minimum interaction is involved in a number of contractual relationships (Blum, 2007). For instance, if an individual enters into a contract to have his hair cut, the barber will perform a quick activity of trimming his hair and the individual will honor his obligation by paying for the services. These two activities will mark the end of the contractual relationship. On the contrary, contractual relationships like supply contracts or leases could last for several years, and the parties involved engaging into constant dealings that are controlled by the provisions stated in the agreement. A contract relationship has an essential purpose which is exchange. Society and the economy require the trade of intangible rights, services and pro perty. These exchanges are regulated and facilitated by a contract as part of its chief role. Therefore, a contract carries with it the principle of reciprocity, in which one must part with something to get something back. The third essential element is that a contract should have a minimum of one promise, which is made with a hope of being honored in a later date as per the agreements. A contract is not constituted in the instantaneous exchanges, even though they involve a trade and are consensual (Blum, 2007). A promise, therefore, goes beyond the agreement instance as a future commitment. If both parties honor their side of the commitment at the expiry of the agreed duration, then there will be no need of involving the law in contracts. Contract law comes in incase of breach of contractual agreement by either of the parties. Last but not least, a contract has an
Friday, January 24, 2020
Bill Clinton - Redefines Democratic-republican :: William Jefferson Clinton Essays
Bill Clinton - Redefines Democratic-Republican In the early 1800's, the United States was but a promising seedling in search of viable political direction. The initial parties were known as the federalists and the Democratic-Republicans, the first of which soon diminished and the later eventually bisected. The result is the two party Democrat and GOP system which the majority of politicians of current day subscribe. However, many political and economic analysts find themselves perplexed by an incredible new phenomenon radiating from the white house - the economic policies of President Bill Clinton. This dilemma has left many wondering, did we elect a democrat or a republican? Has Clinton unintentionally begun a campaign to reunite the two rivals? The telltale signs of Clinton's political ambiguity include reminiscently republican techniques of reducing the budget, creating jobs, lowered productivity, and shaping the tax code. During Clinton's 1992 campaign, balancing the budget was not among the countries main economic objectives (Miller 4). However, after close scrutiny, the economic woes of the approaching millennium were projected as "higher then we thought it would be" (Miller 4). In fact, "in the twelve years before Clinton took office, the deficit quadrupled in size" (deficit 1). As a result, Clinton must engage in creative cost cutting techniques to keep the budget under control. Money afforded to state and local governments for development programs, such as those which relieve "urban blight," will eventually be cut by two-thirds, a third more then Gingrich's last congress proposed (Rauch 2). In addition, cuts to transportation aid will prove fifty percent greater then republican propositions (Rauch 2). According to Clinton, all of these maneuvers will result in the lowering of the deficit by $600 billion, or almost one-third by the year 1998 (progress 1). Economists speculate that these reforms may produce the desired effect (Rauch 2). However, putting these measures into action may contradict one of Clinton's main election tenets - to preserve the status quo as it relates to government programs. The final budget will include one-seventh for interest on the national debt. A whopping two thirds will go toward entitlement, one sixth for defense programs and another one-sixth for "non- defense discretionary spending" (Rauch 2). Perhaps the most touted aspect of the initial Clinton administration was its ability to "create" jobs. According to the White House, almost six million jobs have been created in the past four years, and the unemployment rate in Texas has dropped from 7.5% to 5.8% (Progress 1). This is a level well below the 6% rate which many economists regard as full employment. However, there may be a great deal more then meets the eye when it comes to these "promising" statistics.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Eulogies: Eulogy and Philosophy Collection Article
Informative Speech Outline Eulogies Introduction Attention Getter: Life is not just about the number of days we live, or the number of contacts we have. Our lives can have an immeasurable and undetectable affect on others. Motivational Link: At some point in our lives we could write, read, or even hear a eulogy about someone that we once knew. Purpose Statement: Through the context of my presentation it is my purpose to enlighten you on the qualities that make these speeches so memorable.Preview Statement: In order to gain a better understanding, we must first examine the history of where they originated, then we can focus on where and how they are used today, and finally discuss the elements used when writing one. Body It is important to know the history of eulogies as it gives us an insight of where they originated to why we use them. The origin of the eulogy. The word originated from the Greek language, and from the words â€Å"word/ speech of praise†â€Å"It was first kn own use was in the 15th century†. This is according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary online that was update in 2013.There have been many famous eulogies throughout history, from Shakespeare (1616) to Michael Jackson (2009). The purpose and they way they are composed are no different. This is a part of history that is does not change but grows. Sign Post: Now that we have discussed the history of eulogies, where they originated, let us look at where and how they are used today. A eulogy can be performed at all kinds of celebrations. Most commonly we think of eulogies being given as part of a funeral service. They take place in either a funeral home and can be preformed during or after a wake.A wake is the period of visitation of the deceased. A eulogy may also be performed during the main service. Also there can be living funerals for those who are severely ill or elderly which are used to express words of love and gratitude before they pass In the novel Tuesdays with Morrie C opyright  © 2006, the professor named Morrie preferred to have a living funeral, so that he could hear all the wonderful things his family and colleagues had to say about him. As well as praising individuals who will be passing soon, eulogies can also be a time to praise those who are still living and have something special to celebrate.In cases of retirement, promotions, birthdays, or even weddings. However, some religions do discourage, or do not permit at all during the time of service to maintain respect for tradition and their higher power/ beliefs. a. In catholic mass the priest are prohibited by the rubrics of the mass. â€Å"’Eulogy’ is not part of our catholic tradition, and it doesn’t belong in a catholic funeral mass†November 2010 Religion and Philosophy Collection article â€Å"Let’s Bury the Eulogy†As we did learn in the history that the word eulogy is Greek for word of praise, the catholic take these words in another conten t. we come to bury Caesar and not to praise the wretch, as Shakespeare says, because the only one we praise in liturgy is Christ†Again November 2010 Religion and Philosophy Collection article â€Å"Let’s Bury the Eulogy†Sign Post: Since you now know where and how eulogies are used today, now we can discuss the components used when writing one. A eulogy is most often delivered by a family member, friend, or even colleagues. The individual who is giving the speech is also the one who wrote it. When preparing and giving a eulogy there are many different components one must consider.There are so many different ideas to consider but if you can focus and remember these five, preparing and delivering a eulogy will be easy. Decide on which approach is appropriate for you some writers take the serious approach, while others bring humor. It doesn’t matter which one you use but it is important to have a conversational tone as if you are talking to friends. The spea ker needs to consider their audience. Does not matter what occasion focus on the positive aspects of the person talking about, even if they do have flaws.Be specific, by making it personal with a story not wanting to just list qualities about the person or achievements they have made. As the writer and speaker you want to be concise and well-organized, so like in any public speaking make an outline, and brainstorm areas that you can talk about, as well as being interesting and avoid rambling. You will want to rehearse, reread the eulogy you have written out load. These will help with making sure it sounds appropriate and if you need to change it. ConclusionSummary Statement: Through examining history, present day usage, and the components of preparation, we have developed a better understanding of eulogies. Leaving Statements: The next time you are at a funeral or special occasion and someone gets up to give a speech of praise, you will know what it took for them to write it, as wel l as have full appreciation to what they are doing for that individual they are speaking of. Tieback: You don’t know what the future holds for you, but you, you can make a difference and impact someone else’s.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Figurative Language Definition and Examples
Figurative language is language in which figures of speech (such as metaphors and metonyms) freely occur. This contrasts with literal speech or language. If something happens literally, says childrens book author Lemony Snicket in The Bad Beginning, it actually happens; if something happens figuratively, it feels like it is happening. If you are literally jumping for joy, for instance, it means you are leaping in the air because you are very happy. If you are figuratively jumping for joy, it means you are so happy that you could jump for joy but are saving your energy for other matters. Figurative language can also be defined as any deliberate departure from the conventional meaning, order, or construction of words. Examples Tom Robbins, Another Roadside Attraction It is midmorning. A few minutes ago I took my coffee break. I am speaking figuratively, of course. Theres not a drop of coffee in this place and there never has been. Metaphors Austin OMalley, Keystones of Thought Memory is a crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food. Similes P.G. Wodehouse, Uncle Fred in the Springtime The Dukes moustache was rising and falling like seaweed on an ebb-tide. Hyperbole Mark Twain, Old Times on the Mississippi I was helpless. I did not know what in the world to do. I was quaking from head to foot and could have hung my hat on my eyes, they stuck out so far. Understatement Jonathan Swift, A Tale of a Tub Last week I saw a woman flayed, and you will hardly believe how much it altered her person for the worse. Metonymy The suits on Wall Street walked off with most of our savings. Chiasmus Cormac McCarthy, The Road You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget. Anaphora John Hollander, Rhymes Reason: A Guide to English Verse Anaphora will repeat an opening phrase or word; Anaphora will pour it into a mold (absurd)! Anaphora will cast each subsequent opening; Anaphora will last until its tiring. Kinds of Figurative Language Tom McArthur, The Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language (1) Phonological figures include alliteration, assonance, and onomatopoeia. In his poem The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1842), Robert Browning repeats sibilants, nasals, and liquids as he shows how the children respond to the piper: There was a rustling, that seemed like a bustling / Of merry crowds justling at pitching and hustling. Something sinister has started. (2) Orthographic figures use visual forms created for effect: for example, America spelled Amerika (by left-wing radicals in the 1970s and as the name of a movie in the 1980s) to suggest a totalitarian state. (3) Syntactic figures may bring the non-standard into the standard language, as in U.S. President Ronald Reagans You aint seen nothing yet (1984), a nonstandard double negative used to project a vigorous, folksy image. (4) Lexical figures extend the conventional so as to surprise or entertain, as when, instead of a phrase like a year ago, the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas wrote a grief ago, or when the Irish dramatist Oscar Wilde said at the New York Customs, I have nothing to declare but my genius. When people say that you cant take something literally, they are generally referring to usage that challenges everyday reality: for example, through exaggeration (the hyperbole in loads of money), comparison (the simile like death warmed up; the metaphor life is an uphill struggle), physical and other associations (the metonymy Crown property for something owned by royalty), and a part for a whole (the synecdoche All hands on deck!). Observations Joseph T. Shipley, Dictionary of World Literary Terms Figures are as old as language. They lie buried in many words of current use. They occur constantly in both prose and poetry. Sam Glucksberg, Understanding Figurative Language Traditionally, figurative language such as metaphors and idioms has been considered derivative from and more complex than ostensibly straightforward language. A contemporary that figurative language involves the same kinds of linguistic and pragmatic operations that are used for ordinary, literal language. Jeanne Fahnestock, Rhetorical Figures in Science At no place in Book III [of the Rhetoric] does Aristotle claim that these devices [figures] serve an ornamental or emotional function or that they are in any way epiphenomenal. Instead, Aristotles somewhat dispersed discussion suggests that certain devices are compelling because they map a function onto a form or perfectly epitomize certain patterns of thought or argument. A.N. Katz, C. Cacciari, R. W. Gibbs, Jr., and M. Turner, Figurative Language and Thought The emergence of nonliteral language as a respectable topic has led to a convergence of many fields: philosophy, linguistics, and literary analyses, computer science, neuroscience, and experimental cognitive psychology, to name a few. Each of these fields has enriched the scientific understanding of the relation between language and thought. Figurative Language and Thought Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr., The Poetics of Mind: Figurative Thought, Language, and Understanding This new view of the poetics of mind has the following general characteristics: The mind is not inherently literal. Language is not independent of the mind but reflects our perceptual and conceptual understanding of experience. Figuration is not merely a matter of language but provides much of the foundation for thought, reason and imagination. Figurative language is not deviant or ornamental but is ubiquitous in everyday speech. Figurative modes of thought motivate the meaning of many linguistic expressions that are commonly viewed as having literal interpretations. Metaphorical meaning is grounded in nonmetaphorical aspects of recurring bodily experiences or experiential gestalts. Scientific theories, legal reasoning, myths, art, and a variety of cultural practices exemplify many of the same figurative schemes found in everyday thought and language. Many aspects of word meaning are motivated by figurative schemes of thought. Figurative language does not require special cognitive processes to be produced and understood. Childrens figurative thought motivates their significant ability to use and understand many kinds of figurative speech. These claims dispute many beliefs about language, thought, and meaning that have dominated the Western intellectual tradition. The Conceptual Metaphor Theory David W. Carroll, Psychology of Language According to the conceptual metaphor theory, metaphors and other forms of figurative language are not necessarily creative expressions. This is admittedly a somewhat unusual idea, as we ordinarily associate figurative language with poetry and with the creative aspects of language. But Gibbs (1994 [above]) suggests that what is frequently seen as a creative expression of some idea is often only a spectacular instantiation of specific metaphorical entailments that arise from the small set of conceptual metaphors shared by many individuals within a culture (p. 424). The conceptual model assumes that the underlying nature of our thought processes is metaphorical. That is, we use metaphor to make sense of our experience. Thus, according to Gibbs, when we encounter a verbal metaphor it automatically activates the corresponding conceptual metaphor. John Updikes Use of Figurative Language Jonathan Dee, Agreeable Angstrom: John Updike, Yes-Man. [John] Updike wrote self-consciously about big subjects and big themes, but he was always celebrated more for his prose style than for his subject matter. And his great gift, on the level of style, was not just descriptive but explicitly figurative â€â€Ã‚ not about presentation, in other words, but about transformation. This gift could work both for and against him. Figurative language, best employed, is a way of making connections between disparate phenomena, but even more than that it is a way of making us see better, more freshly, more naà ¯vely. Updike was more than capable of such flights: Outdoors it is growing dark and cool. The Norway maples exhale the smell of their sticky new buds and the broad living-room windows along Wilbur Street show beyond the silver patch of a television set the warm bulbs burning in kitchens, like fires at the backs of caves...[A] mailbox stands leaning in twilight on its concrete post. Tall two-petaled street sign, the cleat-gouged trunk of the telephone pole holding its insulators against the sky, fire hydrant like a golden bush: a grove.[Rabbit, Run] But taking one thing and turning it, via language, into another can also be a way of deferring or denying or opting out of engagement with the thing nominally being described. Abusing Figurative Language Peter Kemp, review of How Fiction Works Obfuscation also comes from mishandled metaphor. As readers of his reviews will know, letting [James] Wood anywhere near figurative language is like giving an alcoholic the keys to a distillery. In no time, he’s unsteady and comprehensibility is a casualty. Getting images upside down is a speciality. The personality of a Svevo character is, Wood writes, as comically perforated as a bullet-holed flag â€â€Ã‚ an odd view of what’s comical since such a flag would usually be found among the dead and mutilated on a battlefield. Another character is inundated with Noah’s dove. The point about Noah’s dove, though, is that it wasn’t inundated but survived the flood and ultimately brought back evidence that the waters had subsided. Sources Carroll, David W. Psychology of Language. 5th edition, Cengage Learning, March 29, 2007. Dee, Jonathan. Agreeable Angstrom: John Updike, Yes-Man. Harpers Magazine, June 2014. Fahnestock, Jeanne. Rhetorical Figures in Science. 1st Edition, Kindle Edition, Oxford University Press, July 1, 1999. Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr. The Poetics of Mind: Figurative Thought, Language, and Understanding. 1st Edition, Cambridge University Press, August 26, 1994. Glucksberg, Sam. Understanding Figurative Language: From Metaphor to Idioms. Oxford Psychology Series Book 36, 1st Edition, Kindle Edition, Oxford University Press, July 26, 2001. Hollander, John. Rhymes Reason: A Guide to English Verse. 3rd Edition, Yale University Press, March 1, 2001. Katz, Albert N. Figurative Language and Thought. Counterpoints: Cognition, Memory, and Language. Cristina Cacciari, Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr., et al., 1st Edition, Kindle Edition, Oxford University Press, August 12, 1998. Kemp, Peter. How Fiction Works by James Wood. The Sunday Times, March 2, 2008. McArthur, Tom. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press, September 3, 1992. McCarthy, Cormac. The Road. Paperback, Vintage, March 28, 2006. OMalley, Austin. Keystones of Thought. Hardcover, Palala Press, April 27, 2016. Robbins, Tom. Another Roadside Attraction. Paperback, Reissue edition, Bantam, April 1, 1990. Shipley, Joseph T. Dictionary of world literary terms: Criticism, forms, technique. Hardcover, George Allen Unwin, 1955. Snicket, Lemony. The Bad Beginning. Paperback, UK ed. edition, Egmont Books Ltd, February 25, 2016. Swift, Jonathan. A Tale of a Tub. Kindle Edition, Amazon Digital Services LLC, March 24, 2011. Twain, Mark. Old Times on the Mississippi. Kindle Edition, Amazon Digital Services LLC, January 22, 2014. Wodehouse, P.G. Uncle Fred in the Springtime. Paperback, Reprint edition, W. W. Norton Company, July 2, 2012.
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