Sunday, October 13, 2019
Stereotypes is Jack Davis-No Sugar :: essays research papers
Stereotypes in Jack Davis-No Sugar. The characters in Jack Davis' play "No Sugar" are characters that fit colonial stereotypes (both Aboriginals and Whites) although they seem to be exaggerated. Contrasting characters reveal Ideological ideas and attitudes through things like language, often through conflict.40 The characters of White Australian descent tend to speak with pompous language, disguising their evil deeds behind kind phrases. The most obvious example of this is the character Mr. Neville. He states, with refined language, in (Act One Scene Two), that: †¦"if you provide the native the basic accoutrements of civilization, you’re halfway to civilizing him." This reveals a belief that Whites are unquestionably superior and that any previous Aboriginal civilization was irrelevant. The pompous statement of the Whites are juxta-posed against the more crude and blunt comments of Aboriginal characters .to show the audience the belief that whites are superior.103 The character of Mr. Neal seems like a cruel evil man which is the way the Aboriginals would probably have viewed Whites (he is a stereotype) Neal believes blacks are worthless, he lives by the words of J. Ernest Regan, that: "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" (Act Four Scene Four), instead of trying to better Aboriginals and help them he is trying to suppress them and keep them ignorant so they will not turn into a threat to him or Whites in general. His wife Matron seems like a kind caring person, like a mother figure which is how the audience expects a Matron to be. Their conflicting beliefs (Matron promotes the idea of improving aboriginals, Mr Neal promotes ignorance and suppression) causes conflict Neal "I can’t see anything funny about this" Matron "I know you can’t" (Act two Scene Ten).143 Mr. Neal’s beliefs also conflict with the beliefs of Sister Eileen.†What do you mean that you don’t encourage natives to read?" Mr. Neal â€Å"That’s right" (Act four Scene four). She also disagrees on the methods he uses "the use of violence by your native policemen.....I’d prefer they came on their own free will" (Act four Scene four) Sister Eileen believes in improving the natives which is completely opposite to the belief held by Mr. Neal that natives should remain ignorant. Mr. Neal resents Sister Eileen’s input "bloody do-gooders" and threatens her when she speaks out "I could arrange a transfer for you to another settlement; perhaps Mulla Bulla on the edge of the Gibson Desert†. Stereotypes is Jack Davis-No Sugar :: essays research papers Stereotypes in Jack Davis-No Sugar. The characters in Jack Davis' play "No Sugar" are characters that fit colonial stereotypes (both Aboriginals and Whites) although they seem to be exaggerated. Contrasting characters reveal Ideological ideas and attitudes through things like language, often through conflict.40 The characters of White Australian descent tend to speak with pompous language, disguising their evil deeds behind kind phrases. The most obvious example of this is the character Mr. Neville. He states, with refined language, in (Act One Scene Two), that: †¦"if you provide the native the basic accoutrements of civilization, you’re halfway to civilizing him." This reveals a belief that Whites are unquestionably superior and that any previous Aboriginal civilization was irrelevant. The pompous statement of the Whites are juxta-posed against the more crude and blunt comments of Aboriginal characters .to show the audience the belief that whites are superior.103 The character of Mr. Neal seems like a cruel evil man which is the way the Aboriginals would probably have viewed Whites (he is a stereotype) Neal believes blacks are worthless, he lives by the words of J. Ernest Regan, that: "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" (Act Four Scene Four), instead of trying to better Aboriginals and help them he is trying to suppress them and keep them ignorant so they will not turn into a threat to him or Whites in general. His wife Matron seems like a kind caring person, like a mother figure which is how the audience expects a Matron to be. Their conflicting beliefs (Matron promotes the idea of improving aboriginals, Mr Neal promotes ignorance and suppression) causes conflict Neal "I can’t see anything funny about this" Matron "I know you can’t" (Act two Scene Ten).143 Mr. Neal’s beliefs also conflict with the beliefs of Sister Eileen.†What do you mean that you don’t encourage natives to read?" Mr. Neal â€Å"That’s right" (Act four Scene four). She also disagrees on the methods he uses "the use of violence by your native policemen.....I’d prefer they came on their own free will" (Act four Scene four) Sister Eileen believes in improving the natives which is completely opposite to the belief held by Mr. Neal that natives should remain ignorant. Mr. Neal resents Sister Eileen’s input "bloody do-gooders" and threatens her when she speaks out "I could arrange a transfer for you to another settlement; perhaps Mulla Bulla on the edge of the Gibson Desert†.
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