Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Bartleby, the Scrivener the Lady with the Dog Essay
A number of the stories studied this semester explore the conflict between social restraint and inner compulsion. Discuss at least two of the stories in the light of this. Through an exploration of the boundaries between social constraint and inner compulsion, Melville and Chekov reveal the restrictions forced upon one’s personal desires as they struggle to find a balance between conflicting values and social norms. Anna and Gurov in ‘The Lady with the Dog’ are restrained by the socially expected conventions in their marriages, inhibiting their ability to express their inner compulsion of desire. Chekov reveals their yearning to escape their individual lives as they cope with personal troubles by distancing themselves from marriage†¦show more content†¦He uses his employment as a means of escaping social conventions through his monotonous statement â€Å"I would prefer not†(Melville 1998, p. 198), living a life of choice and preference in a world where preference is non-existent. Bartleby represents a new form of humanity where an individual has the right to choice rather than living a life of routine through social constraints, defying all forms of society’s restrictions in order to reveal his true desires. Chekhov explores this concept of conflict through Anna and Gurov’s relationship in ‘The Lady with the Dog’ as he reveals a need to defy social restraints in order to escape their marriages as this restricts them from fully embracing their desires. The image of the â€Å"long grey fence adorned with nails†(Chekhov 1998, p. 371), symbolises the confines of marriage keeping them apart, unable to be free from social restraint. Creating an air of seclusion and limitations, this depiction appears to be fending off Gurov, producing a feeling of entrapment and isolation as it separates their love. The image of an old woman, a beggar and a dog walking in and out of the fence freely further emphasises this lack of freedom they have in their lives; the portrayal of a beggar being the most illuminating aspect of this passage. Even what is considered as the lowest form of humanity, appears to show more freedom then what they can as they cannot pass thisShow MoreRelat edBelonging Essay4112 Words  | 17 PagesInventing Elliot YA Golden, Arthur Memoirs of a geisha AF Golding, William Lord of the flies AF YA Grenville, Kate The secret river AF Greene, Graham Brighton Rock AF Gwynne, Phillip Deadly, Unna? APB YA Haddon, Mark The curious incident of the dog in the night-time AF, APB YA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Curious_Incident_of_the_Dog_in_the_Night-time Hardy, Thomas Jude, the obscure AF Hardy, Thomas Tess of the D’Ubervilles AF Hawthorne, Nathaniel The scarlet letter AF Hemingway, Ernest,
Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay about Two of the Greatest Paintings Made by Vincent...
Vincent Van Gogh was born in 1853. He would grow to be one of the greatest artists of his era. Van Gogh utilized a variety of colors on the spectrum, giving his paintings life. He often used the art style of impressionists in that his paintings are depicted as he sees fit, and not how they are naturally viewed (Cliff). His paintings consisted of complex brush strokes that would vary in the amounts of paint used. He used colors in order to push emotion onto the audience through contrasting colors and his works often reflected his own mood and surroundings. Van Gogh continued to use impressionism until he mastered the use of color techniques and expressing emotion in order to bring life to his paintings, as shown in The Sower and The Night†¦show more content†¦So I have tried to express, as it were, the powers of darkness in a low public house, by soft Louis XV green and malachite, contrasting with yellow-green and harsh blue-greens, and all this in an atmosphere like a devils furnace, of pale sulphur†(Gogh). The Night Cafà © projects a feeling of distortion and unbalance through its asymmetrical design (Harding). There is a doorway in the back that is curtained halfway. Behind the doorway is what seems to be living spaces that are to be rented by travelers. There are five people, presumably customers, scattered across the cafà ©. There is a waiter next to the billiard table dressed in tan clothing. There are three walls lined with seating arrangements. There is a bar with a variety bottles with a flower vase centered near the curtained walkway. The walls are a very rich red. The lights project yellow rays of light that illuminate the room and cast a shadow onto the billiards table. The clock in the back of the room lets the viewers know that it is past midnight; therefore it is assumed that it is a rough crowd. The technique used in The Night Cafà © is unlike any Impressionist artwork of its time. Van Gogh used arbitrary to present his own emotions throughout the painting. Both the walls and ceiling consist of rich reds and greens that contrast in a violent nature. The light fixturesShow MoreRelatedVincent Van Gogh Essay1397 Words  | 6 PagesVincent Van Gogh was one of the world s greatest artists. Though not widely known in his lifetime, he is now considered to be the greatest Dutch artist aside from Rembrandt. He was born Vincent William van Gogh in Groot-Zundert, a small town in Brabant Netherlands, on March 30, 1853. His father was a protestant pastor which is believed to have greatly influenced Van Gogh . His mother, Anna Cornelia Carbentus, was artist that loved nature, drawing and watercolors. Her interest in all of theseRead More Vincent Van Gogh Essay1593 Words  | 7 Pages Most casual art lovers see Van Gogh as a troubled but successful artist. This is far from the actual truth of his chaotic life which was filled with failure in every occupational pursuit he attempted including painting, and was marked by episodes of depression, violence, and abnormal behavior. Thanks to the preservation of thousands of letters Van Gogh had written to friends and family, especially to his brother Theo, we have a nearly complete understanding of his feelings, experiments, andRead MoreVincent Van Gogh1003 Words  | 5 PagesVincent van Gogh began painting in 1879, and continued until his death in 1890. He died a premature death due to the decay of his mental stability, which led to a botched suicide attempt, causing his death two days later. He painted in the period of post-impressionism, during which he made 750 paintings, 1,600 drawings, nine lithographs, and one etching. Some of his most famous and most influential works include Starry Night, The Potato Eaters, and All-Night Cafà ©. Vincent Willem van Gogh was bornRead MoreVincent Van Gogh s Life1443 Words  | 6 PagesVincent Van Gogh â€Å"It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to, the feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures.†Said Vincent Van Gogh. (Gogh) Van Gogh is one of the most famous artist here known in this universe. He has came up with a ton of paintings and drawings in ten years then what other artists have in their life time. Has a decent life, art influenced him by a long shot, and his artwork is justRead MoreEssay about Vincent Van Gogh 1358 Words  | 6 PagesVincent Willem van Gogh Vincent Willem van Gogh was born on March 30th 1853, in Zundert, The Netherlands. Van Gogh spent his teenage year’s working for a firm of art dealers; however, he did not embark upon his art career until 1880. Originally, he worked only with dark and gloomy colors, until he came across the art movements developed in Paris known as, Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism (Meier-Graefe 4). Van Gogh than included their brighter colors and unique style of painting intoRead MoreVincent Van Gogh and His Contribution to Art.1100 Words  | 5 Pagescivilization. It tells us what our culture is. Every artist in history has been writing, composing, and painting the stories of each culture. Master painters like Jaques Louis David painted Napoleon and other historical paintings during the Neoclassical Period. Master composers, such as Bethoven composed works like the Moonlight Sonata. Art defines who are we are, It is civilization, and artists like Vincent Van Gogh influenced the mo dern world. And even though he lived more than a hundred and fifteen yearsRead More Vincent van Gogh Essay1550 Words  | 7 PagesVincent van Gogh In present time, Vincent van Gogh is probably the most widely known and highly appreciated person of postimpressionism. During his brief lifetime, Vincent’s work went almost unknown to this world. His work now hangs in countless museums throughout the world and is considered priceless. His work became an important bridge between the 19th and 20th centuries. The art-historical term, Postimpressionism was coined by Roger Fry a British art critic, who described the variousRead MoreVincent Van Gogh : The Greatest Artist Of All Time1710 Words  | 7 PagesVincent van Gogh is arguably considered one of the greatest artist of all time, but his career wasn’t always focused on the arts. Vincent was born March 30th, 1853, in Zundert, Neth, and did not begin his art career until the age of 27. (1) Prior to his ventures in the arts, Vincent, at the age of 16, worked as an art dealer apprentice for Goupil and Company. During his 3 year stay at Gurpil and Company, â€Å"Daily contact with works of art aroused his artistic sensibility, and he soon formed a tasteRead MoreVincent Van Gogh: A Brief Biography1168 Words  | 5 PagesVincent Van Gogh lived out these words as he created masterpieces by painting how he perceived the world. Van Gogh had an eccentric personality, however, continuously suffered from unstable moods and recurrent psychotic episodes caused by Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Bipolar Disorder. Despite his suicide in the end, these illnesses correlate with his inability to form stable relationships while also enhancing his artwork. Vincent was born on March 30 in Zundert, Netherlands to Anne Cornelia CarbonatesRead MoreStarry Night By Vincent Van Gogh1302 Words  | 6 PagesStarry Night is a famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh. Starry Night was constructed in 1889. At the time of his existence, Van Gogh was not well known. Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime, and only became popular after his death like many other artists at the time. To fully understand this painting, one must know the personal life/struggles of the artist himself. When people hear the name â€Å" Vincent Van Gogh,†most automatically think of the crazed artist that cut off his own ear and
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Bachelor of Social Work Application Free Essays
Social work is a vital part of every community. Social work aims at better understanding the issues concerning the people with respect to their environment and works on improving the living standards and the general human conditions. It is the science of exploring the dilemmas present in societies and community and make positive changes to social justice and economic status. We will write a custom essay sample on Bachelor of Social Work Application or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper would address to questions social work related issues and problems. It would elaborate on the ethical concerns of social work. Moreover, it would discuss the role of self awareness with respect to social work. Discussion Social work related issue: Working as a social correspondent is not an easy task. Social work involves the responsibilities of insuring the rehabilitation of the society and its counterparts in a way that a better quality of life is granted to the people through solving the domestic issues and problems. One of the pressing issues in today’s communities and homes is the abundant use of drugs. over the passage of time, one of the major relief giver that people find from the tension and stress of the fast paced lifestyles is the use of drugs to relax the mind. Drug abuse is often an addiction and it has a vital affect on an individuals environments. Youngsters are more prone to this issue and need protection in situations where there family members are drug abusers. It is the responsibility of social workers to make sure that there are no youngsters that are at risk at home or elsewhere due to drug abusing and if cases are found, youngsters need to be taken into care. Social workers often find it difficult to assess the number of children that are living in high risk situations where they are not available with adequate safety, protection and support from drug abusing parents. In societies where there are no legal regulations and inadequate authorities, people are prone to drug abuse and this is when the social work is needed in order to maintain the safety and protection for the residents. Professional ethics in social work practice: Being aware of the ethical codes is a fundamental part of being a professional social worker. The ethical responsibilities that rest with social workers include the factor of loyalty that they have towards their work. Social workers work in the best interest of people and this often conflicts with the factors of efficiency and utility. Furthermore, it is a fact that the resources are often limited when it comes to working within societies. One of the major foils of the professional ethical code of conduct of social workers is the factor of mutual respect and dignity of everyone. Social work is the profession that encourages social change and it builds the relationship among people in order to enhance their well-being. For social work to be effective and efficient, social workers need to defend each person’s emotional, physical and psychological well being and integrity in the best manner possible. Social workers are also responsible for maintaining social justice. For this to be effective, they need to respect diversity and abstain from discrimination on the bases of age, sex, culture, socio-economics background and various other aspects. Social work inherits the ethical responsibility of challenging any unjust policies or practices that are carried out and ensure that all the resources are distributed fairly according to the needs. (Levy, 1993) There are some other ethical codes of conduct that need to be followed by social workers in order to remain professional and qualifies in their field. It is unlawful to use the social work in negative schemes such as torturing or black mailing people into getting them to act in certain ways. Social workers are expected to retain empathy and compassion while dealing with people. Confidentiality of the people of use social services and accountability of actions are also important characteristics of the ethical responsibilities of social workers. (Levy, 1993) Self-awareness: Self awareness in social work is as important as the ethical implications. It is important to keep a respectful and non-judgmental attitude when working with people. Self awareness is basically the recognition of the element of one’s personality. It includes the strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. It is very important for social workers to develop self awareness as it helps them in recognizing when and how they get under pressure and stressed. Self awareness is vital for a more open and thorough communication because interpersonal relations is the core of social work. Self awareness is correlated with ethics and it helps ensure that the workers are empathetic towards the people and they develop and consciousness of how they view the world and the values that they hold. Developing an understanding on one’s own values, cultures and beliefs helps in respecting a multicultural and diversified view of the society. Once the thoughts, beliefs, personality traits, values and biases that lie within a person are recognized, it is easy for the workers to acknowledge the different identifies and personalities that exist in societies and it is easier to overcome biases and maintain a more empathetic overview. Self awareness is therefore a skill that is critical for social workers to inculcate in order for them to acquire professional growth and become competent in their field. Conclusion In the end it is important to understand that social work involves dealing with all kinds of people and rehabilitating them and the society as a whole in order to facilitate justice and enable a better quality and standard of living for the society. Hence, it is important to maintain ethical responsibilities and carry out the work without any implicit bias. References Levy, C. S (1993). Social work ethics on the line. Haworth press. How to cite Bachelor of Social Work Application, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
The More We Have the More We Want free essay sample
Nowadays we live in a society, which is obsessed with materialistic things. In supermarkets, shops, on the internet also almost everywhere we are surrounded with products which we could buy. Unfortunately people want more and more stuff and are not satisfied with what they have. People have need to own more and more things, because the society requisite It from us. The people around us push us to buy new things, to have stuff which we really do not need. So the cold truth is that we are competing with others.On the other side there is the media, who manipulates us and we do not even recognize it. The commercials always have effects on us and make us believe that we really need the product which they are selling. There are every year more and more shopping centers and they are every time bigger and bigger. Visiting shopping centers became a holiday or a relaxation or a plan for the weekend. We will write a custom essay sample on The More We Have the More We Want or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lot of women and even men became Sophocles and obsessed with all kind of products and stuff. Consequently is the money what we most need and want.Without money we cannot afford this things and this Is why we want more and more money. The society is expressing to us that persons who have lot of money have comfortably and better life, have everything what they want and are happy. But believe that this Is not true. I think that money cannot buy happiness. And I totally agree with the statement which says that money is the root of all evil. On the other hand we can also be obsessed with power, fame, and all kind of psychical stuff The power is the most dangerous of them.One you eave a little power over somebody you want more and more. Good examples of this are the negative and bad personalities in history like Hitler, Stalin and others. And this is why we need to be careful with our power. In conclusion in my essay I absolutely supported the statement above and I exposure only the bad sides, because I believe that there are only negative sides about that. I hope that people will begin to starve for knowledge and not for material or bad psychical things. Only this would be good to have a lot and want more and more.
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