Saturday, August 31, 2019

Race and Your Community Essay

My community is very diverse. On the left side of my house you will find a young, white on white, married couple and to my left the opposite is true; you will find an older, black on black, married couple. If you walk down my street you will find a wide range of colors and ages any of which may be married or single, in an interracial relationship or of the same race. The feeling tends to be live and let live, or so I thought until I actually spoke with some of my friends that are either of color or are in interracial relationships. What I found was shocking to me and that is that racism is very much alive in my community. I am a white female and I am 35 years old and I am married to a white man that is 30 years old. I have three children from a previous marriage and they are also white. Because the media tends to be geared toward people of white skin I would have to say that they represent people like me. Our local news station consists of two Hispanic news anchors and the rest of the journalists are primarily white, but I do know of one black gentleman. Every where you go in my community the two races that you see represented are whites and Hispanics. I’m not sure what the thinking is concerning the lack of recognition for the other races, but it does bother me that it is so very obvious in its exclusion of others. I am assuming that these decisions are made by leaders within the community, but who they might be I am not sure. I really don’t have much to do with â€Å"leaders† in my community outside of my Pastors and their view is very much the same as mine and that is that people are people and God made us all to be equal. My Pastor has a daughter that is mix and maybe this is one reason he is so open to all races and people. The one thing that you will notice when you walk into my church is that it looks like a racial rainbow. There are a great many races and ethnic groups represented and it is a great place to be. You have pretty much every kind of interracial marriage that you can put together with the races represented and out of this you have some pretty awesome children. I have the honor of working with the little ones and I think that it is so cool that they are growing up in a world that is so open and colorful. At least this is what I thought before I actually spoke with some of the adults about their daily lives as a person of color or in a mixed marriage with mixed children. I spoke with one woman named Roni; I have known this woman for 8 years and what I found out I will have to say was a shock to me. I was telling her some things that I was learning in this class and asked her what she thought about racism and if she experienced any form of it. I have to tell you that I honestly did not expect her to yes. Well, she did and she went on to tell me how when her oldest son was in Kindergarten she was at the Principals office on numerous occasions because of how her son was being treated. He even came home singing a song once that was slanderous towards black people. Obviously her son didn’t know what he was singing but she did and it grieved and angered her. Roni is a Hispanic woman that is married to a black man so keep this in mind when picturing her in the office of a white principal discussing racially slanderous songs that her son was taught in his class. I had such a hard time even empathizing with her. As a white woman I do not even think I have ever been a situation remotely like this. Needless to say she had to be very careful how she worded things to make the principal take responsibility for what was going on in the school. She went on to tell me many other stories of how her children were mistreated in class because of their skin color and how people look at them and stereotype them because they are not white. I would love to tell you that this was the only example of racism but I would not be telling you the truth. My best friend is a white woman in her mid-twenties and she is married to a black man and they have 4 children together. Her kids call me Aunt ShaSha. I was there when these children were born and I love them dearly. I see them as children and it never occurred to me that others may see them as anything else. Well, as I mentioned before I do not have any issues within the community. Everyone is friendly and helpful and I am usually welcomed with a smile, well if I am dressed nice but that is another paper, so imagine my shock when I took her children out to the grocery store and people actually treated my differently because I had mixed children with me. This was not the first time I had been in public with the children but it was the first time that I was out with them alone and to my dismay people actually looked down their noses to me and for the first time I realized what it must feel like to be a woman living in an interracial world. At first I thought maybe I was just having an off day so I talked to Alanna (the children’s mother) about it and she confirmed that she is treated like this on a regular basis. She went on to tell me a story about being at the doctor’s office and how the doctor was ugly to her and her son and even went so far as to refuse to treat her son. She complained to the department head and the issue was resolved, but she assured me this was not the only incident concerning racism. There is a section of my community where the racism is in reverse; it is blacks being racist towards whites. I honestly couldn’t figure it out and I was upset about it as well. In my ignorance I was upset about them always complaining about the slave days and how their ancestors were mistreated and so on and so forth. I wanted to shout to them to let it go and move on and to look around because those days were over and not everyone is racist anymore. Well, through this class I have learned so much about them and what has transpired over the last 100 years and have come to realize that it really hasn’t been long enough for the younger generations to separate it in their thinking yet and that they are upset for many reasons but one valid reason is that they have never been apologized to for the travesty they had to endure at the hands of greedy and self-serving people. I am so thankful for this class because it has afforded me the opportunity to get shocked out of my little bubble and to really get to know my brothers and sisters and some of what they go through on a daily basis. I think that my community does a good job at representing minority group interests. Our schools have ESL programs in place and there is a community health clinic that runs off of a sliding scale for those that cannot afford medical insurance. There’s child care provided at no cost by the government. I don’t mention these things to portray that all minority groups are poor, but the numbers show that there is a poverty issue among some minority groups and so I am thankful that these services are provided. I am one such person that cannot afford medical insurance at this time so I am grateful for these services. I honestly don’t know what other services need to be implemented but you can be sure that I will be talking to more people and finding out. I feel so liberated! I find myself wanting to stop people and ask them what their experiences are and how it affects them and what they would change and why. I am just not sure how people will receive those kinds of questions from a 115 pound, white woman. I think that if there was one area that I could change it would be advertising because I honestly do not believe that America is represented by the people that model for these pictures or advertisements. I would love to use people of color. Not just black or Hispanic, but the real color of America, at least in my community, is mix. It is Philippine and white or Puerto Rican and Black, but it is definitely colorful and diverse. I love my community. I know that it is not perfect but no community is or will ever be, but what my community has is a huge mix of people who the majority of love one another or at least accept everyone. Through this thinking I would have to say that we are the same. There are the ones that still have some growing to do, but progress is being made and through education and time more progress will be made.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Child Psychology Services (Part 3) Essay

Explain different types of bullying and the potential effects on children and young people. Bullying and the fear of bullying are major worries for many children and young people. The victims of bullying are usually different in some way from the bully; the differences may be as simple as a different physical characteristic or being seen as a ‘swot’. Bullying can be specific. The basis for the bullying can be one or more of the following forms: – Physical (pushing, kicking hitting, pinching and other forms of violence or threats). – Verbal (name-calling, insults, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing). – Emotional (including not speaking to and excluding someone, tormenting ridicule, humiliation). – Cyber-bullying (the use of information and communications technology particularly mobile phones and the internet, deliberately to upset someone else). Bullying can be carried out by one person against another, or by groups of people ‘ganging up’ on a person. Bullying is not always delivered as a personal face -to- face attack, but can also be delivered through technology. Potential effects of bullying can be; – Threatened or attempted suicide. – Depression. – Running away. – Low self esteem. – Isolation. – Shyness. – Poor academic achievement. There are many reasons and possibilities as to why people bully, most of the time it’s because the victim is different in some way. Below are some of the  differences why someone might be bullied: – appearance (e.g. hair colour or style, height). – Race. – Religion. – Nationality. – Sexual orientation. – Being jealous. Both males and females are capable of carrying out a vicious attack such as bullying on others. Some bullies only do it to uphold their reputation and look ‘hard’. Many bullies only bully others out of jealousy and many of the people who have been bullied go on to do great things with their life, like some famous people who have been bullied. Outline the policies and procedures that should be followed in response to concerns or evidence of bullying and explain the reasons why they are in place. All schools are required by law to have anti-bulling policies in place but these vary in how they are worded and the subsequent actions that need to be taken. Schools must also have policies to encourage good behaviour and respect for others on the part for others on the part of pupils. The Department for Education is clear that no form of bullying should be tolerated. Bullying should be taken very seriously; it is not a normal part of growing up and it can ruin lives. The current anti-bulling guidance for schools, Safe to learn: embedding anti-bulling work in schools, was launched in September 2007. Explain how to support a child or young person and/or their family when bullying is suspected or alleged. When dealing with someone who is being bullied it is important to remember that they will be very upset although they may not show it on the outside. If they have managed to get up the courage to talk to you then they need to know you will take the problem seriously. In the case of an older child, it  is a good idea to ask them to write down exactly what happened and who was there so that you can speak to other people. The more information you have, the better you will be able to deal with the problem and the faster you can sort out exactly what happened. Reassure the victim that you will be back in touch with them as soon as you have completed your investigation and that if there are any more problems in the meantime they must let you know immediately. Supporting the family Parents can find it very hard to know how to help their child if they are being bullied. Some parents will have to cope with the news that it is their child who is a bully. You need to know how to support parents in both these cases. Listen to parents; let them explain how they are feeling. Direct them to useful information so that they can start to think how to support their child. Explain how to support children and young people’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Children and young people who are: – Assertive. – Self-confident. – Self-aware. – Have high self-esteem. Are less likely to be vulnerable to abuse. A child who has high self-esteem will do better in many aspects of development. Self esteem can be supported by: – Giving lots of praise and encouragement. – Encouraging independence and choice, with many opportunities to try things out. – Teaching children how to be assertive (this means having their own needs met but still respecting those of others). – Encouraging cooperation, respect and tolerance between children, and giving a positive example yourself. Analyse the importance of supporting resilience in children and young people Resilience is the ability to deal with the ups and down of life and is based on self-esteem. The more resilient a child is the more they will be able to deal with life as they grow and develop into adulthood. Many factors can positively affect a child’s resilience: – Secure early attachment. – Confidence of being loved by family and friends. – Good sense of self-identity. – Ability to act independently. – Confidence to try new things. Explain why it is important to work with the child or young person to ensure they have strategies to protect themselves and make decisions about safety. The important thing for all children to remember is that they should never feel uncomfortable about someone they are with or something being done to them. Children and young people need support to be able to keep them safe. It is important to be available to talk with children about any concerns they may have. If they are upset by a reported case of abuse, then you should be as reassuring as possible. You should stress that almost all children lead safe and happy lives and only very few adults want to hurt children in any way. Using correct anatomical language, at a level appropriate to the child, is important when you are talking about bodies. Simple, age-appropriate sessions, linked to other activities, on how the human body works help children to understand what their bodies can do and raise awareness of what is normal and what is not. Sessions on ‘body maintenance’ should be an integral part of children’s education, not just to warn them of the danger of misus e. The Keep safe Code produced by Kidscape is an effective way of getting across the message about personal safety to young children. Older children need more detailed information such as: – Lessons on normal sexual function, related to adult behaviour (relevant to your setting’s policy. – Information about misuse of their bodies, through smoking, alcohol and illegal drugs. – The risks of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (Chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhoea, etc.). Help from other organisations Organisations such as Kidscape, Childeline and the NSPCC can help with information and guidance on these topics. It is important to use them properly and be sure that information is accurate and used to their best effect. Explain ways of empowering children and young people to make positive and informed choices that support their well being and safety. Children and young people need to be empowered to keep themselves safe. Children will always push boundaries and take risks – that is how we all learn. Your role is to manage those risks without taking away their independence. When they are empowered, and can make their own choices, they are able to do things alone and without supervision.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An Analysis Of Shaffer’s Equus

An Analysis Of Shaffers Equus The play is in two acts, the first consisting of twenty-one; the second of thirty-five scenes. It is not realistic in that it includes flashbacks performed onstage (like a movie). However, it is an explanatory one with Shaffer’s notes while read. It is a play consisting of individuals rather than types. Each character has his/her individuality along with his/her own perspective of life. We learn about the characters from what other characters tell about them; from what they tell about themselves; as well as from Shaffer’s explanation about them within parentheses. Although it is an open ended play it goes far from the lineer plot structure with its amazing climax. The forward and backward action of the play makes it a different one. Moreover while the play has speech when the time is present, it contains action when it is backward. It is a symbolic play and can be called â€Å"a journey into the mind† of Alan Strang, a seventeen year old boy. It analyzes Alanâ⠂¬â„¢s religious obsession with horses which is based on his complicated feelings due to his religious background and his increasing sexual side as a teenager. This confusion of religion, in fact, is a consequence of some signals from his religious, middle-class mother and his atheist, working-class father. Alan’s perception of religion and sexuality is conflicted and his way of praying becomes a fear of a horse spirit named Equus. He ends up with blinding six horses in the stable because of the fact that they have watched him with a girl. Rosefeldt states that Equus is â€Å"†¦inspired by a real-life event of which the author had very little details. Someone told Shaffer about a boy who blinded horses† (Rosefeldt 89). Equus, the horse gradually becomes a source of freedom and worship for Alan. As he worships Equus passionately, Alan goes away from being ‘normal.’ There are two main characters in the play, Martin Dysart and Alan Strang, the protagonis t. While the play is Alan’s story, it soon becomes Dysart’s story, too. Dysart is a psychiatrist and is asked to treat Alan Strang. Dysart admits to treat Alan as a patient, believing his lawyer friend Hesther Salomon that the boy has something special. In Act I, the audiences learn that Alan comes from a Christian mother – Dora Strang – and an atheist father – Frank Strang who have argument in agreeing how to raise Alan. Alan’s mother tries to impose religion on Alan and does not avoid talking about sex as well. As he grows up and becomes a teenager, his mother’s words become confusing for him. Alan’s obssesion with the horses is actually a typical result of his mother’s words: Dora. †¦ I used to tell him a funny thing about falling off horses. Did you know that when Christian cavalry first appeared in the New World, the pagans thought horse and rider was one person? Dysart. Really? Alan. (sitting up, amazed) One p erson? Dora. Actually, they thought it must be a god.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Discuss the contributions of iron technology to the process of state Essay - 1

Discuss the contributions of iron technology to the process of state formation in Bantu Africa - Essay Example The Bantu community had the notion of a ‘big man’ who was enchanted with grasping of new opportunities. Such an idea led to the development of political establishments as chiefdoms regrouped. It is believed that three main kingdoms that inhabited the western savannas came into being through this method. They include the Kongo, Luango, and the Tio. Importantly, copper trade in the contributed to the development of major commercial market routes and major markets that expanded the territories of the existing political establishments. For instance, the Malebo Pool along River Zaire began through such a process. Furthermore, copper rich areas were regarded as ‘capitals’ headed by a ‘paramount chief’. The paramount chief was surrounded by a close circuit of a court of title holders who performed rituals and emblems within certain principalities. Archeologically, along the Zaire valley iron and copper deposits had been discovered. In areas such as Bok o Songho-Mindouli area, political establishments were related to the large deposits of iron and copper (Alimen). The emergence of these kingdoms in the 14th to 17th the century occurred more or less simultaneously as a result of iron technology. To begin with, the Mbundu Kingdom was established in the 16th century, and it controlled most economic resources and commercial routes in the south of the Kongo. As a sign of the political power they wielded, the Mbundu Kingdom used a piece of iron as an emblem and mark of their authority. This piece of metal was known as ‘ngola’. It is known that towards the end of the 15th century a holder of that emblem established a major kingdom. In subsequent centuries, the emblem played a significant role in the slave trade (Alimen). Towards the end of the 18th century, the Mbundu had organized a large commercial network of together with Portuguese immigrants whose trading caravans reached as far as the Lozi and Lunda Kingdoms. The kingdoms developed a royalty form of a

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Profit Motive In American Society Term Paper

The Profit Motive In American Society - Term Paper Example Capitalism is not just any system as it facilitates the economy of a nation by allowing its citizens to own their businesses by creating the services and goods needed by others in exchange for money. It is said that the main objective of the system is to gain the profit which anybody would love to have as they get to grow their money (Nee 3). Ultimately, the growth means more purchasing power for the owners of the money and they can buy more of what they want and need. Profit is not the only consideration in a capitalist economy as market competition also exists. Market competition occurs as there is more than one provider of the same product or service to customers whether the clients are consumers or businesses. The competition becomes stiff when there are many providers in the same niche market or industry (Metcalfe and Warde 1). It leads to close fight for market share and the tendency to offer the prices of the commodities lower than the competing brands just to increase sales.P rofit may be connected to capital accumulation which is different from the competition. Accumulation of capital is pursued to grow the business and multiply the money. For stock corporations, the growth can provide additional dividends to stock holders or provide additional shares in the stock. Employees also receive the increase in their remuneration when they perform well and as the business grows. Capitalism has various formats and variations depending upon the culture and geographical setting of the system.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Statement of Purpose Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Of Purpose - Personal Statement Example I have recently completed my graduation in field of business finance from Edmonds community college. My basic aim is to get admission in the master degree program in order to gain an in-depth understanding of all issues and concepts related to businessI think this is a right time for me to pursue a master level degree in business as I have not only completed my graduation but also it will help me get a good job upon completion. My good grades in the business related subjects, such as, economic, finance, accounting, and math, which I studied at the bachelor level, also show my extreme interest in studying business. The University of Washington Bothell is known for its well-experienced faculty not only in the field of business management but also in all other subjects that are being offered by the university. It is due to the highly qualified faculty of this university, that today I feel satisfied while thinking of getting admission in this prestigious university. I want to complete my masters under the guidance of well-experienced faculty of the University of Washington Bothell, as it will help me become a highly qualified business expert with excellent command over economics and finance. I have a desire to make educational and professional progress in the field of business management because of my huge interest in this field. I also want to take part in the industrial development and economic progress of my country. I want to be able to analyze the development of debenture certificates, GDP, and other matters related to economics. I have a belief that a country can progress in every field of life only if its citizens get high quality education from the most prestigious universities of the world. I have collected information from various sources about the universities that offer master degree program in business. Through the research, I have come to know that the University of Washington Bothell is the most suitable university, which can help me fulfill my aim t o get a masters degree in the field of business. I am seeking a career in some field related to business management, and that can only be possible if I get an opportunity to study under the supervision of highly qualified faculty of this university. In graduation, my main courses were economics, accounting, math, and English, whereas, some of the minors included psychology, health, and physics. I got good grades in all of these courses, which is a strong proof of my academic skills. I believe that my relevant educational background and interest in business management make me a suitable candidate for getting admission in the University of Washington Bothell. Another thing, which I would like to mention here, is that I had always been one of the position holders at my school and college. I have the ability to contribute to the educational experience of other students studying at the University of Washington Bothell. I can help my class fellows understand complex issues related to econ omics, accounting, and other business related subjects. Some of my core strengths and abilities include: Excellent interpersonal communication skills Excellent critical thinking skills due to excessive reading Ability to mix up with the people belonging to different backgrounds and cultures, as I have been a foreign student in the United States since 2008 Good understanding of different issues related to business management, and Knowledge of two key languages, which include, English and Chinese I also possess the ability to contribute to the recreational experience of other students studying at the university. I can teach them music as well as some key techniques related to soccer. I was the captain of my club and college soccer teams in China. As a captain, I won many titles for my teams at

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Decision-making process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Decision-making process - Essay Example In an indeterminate world, the role of decision support systems. Processing, and/or applying information and knowledge involves â€Å"Decision making† and depending on the characteristics of the decision making context, is appropriate and absolute information/knowledge mix. Central to decision making situations involving complexity and uncertainty is information or the absence of it, associated with problems of ambiguity and equivocal is knowledge or the absence of it. Appropriate to support decision making under conditions of uncertainty and complexity is computer-based decision support technologies as proposed by this paper, while under conditions of ambiguity or equivocal the more appropriate approach will be human-centric. For organizational learning to occur, both approaches must be integrated tightly. On the one hand occupying a middle ground between the study of organizations as command hierarchies is network theories of organization and on the other, portraying organizations as atomized rational decision-makers optimizing utility, is market theories. It is as a matter of fact also related to governance theory as well as systems theory they both lay emphasis on the study of networks. In network theory, there is renewed interest obviously because networking is promoted by information technology, it ranges from the personal networking of MySpace to corporate networking in order to achieve and enhance competitive advantage that governmental will derive in networking of states on policy issues to global networking through international organizations.

Social Work Theory & Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Social Work Theory & Practice - Essay Example The concern of the State to utilize medical facilities to control bad behaviour (in the absence of formal evidence of psychosis) continued in the twentieth century (Rogers and Pilgrim, 2005). In Scotland this is a major undertaking by government. Mental health law is about securing benefits for, and protecting the rights of, people with a mental disorder. Its primary objective is to make sure people with a mental disorder can receive effective care and treatment (Scottish Executive, 2003). This highlights the fact that the government and its policies are geared towards the care for the mentally aberrant. The new legislation dealing with mental health lays the foundation for government to act in dealing with those who are mentally troubled. In fact, the new legislation is Scotland establishes principles upon which government measures are to be based on. What are unique in the current law is the new mechanisms it puts into place. These new measures better empower the state in dealing with this social concern. An example of this is when the law sets out principles relating to the way in which the function must be discharged. These require the person discharging the function to do so in a way, which involves the minimum restriction on the freedom of the patient (Scottish Executive, 2003). The current policies also clarify and refine the role and duty of government with regards to mental health. The new Mental Health law in Scotland allows for the removal to a place of safety of a person who is exposed to ill-treatment or neglect or who is unable to look after himself or his property/financial affairs. It further allows for a person to be removed from a public place to a place of safety where it is in the interests of that person or where it is necessary to protect other people (Scottish Executive, 2003). This descriptively lays down the scenario when the state should act and for what

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Application of constructivism theory in French Mali intervention Essay

Application of constructivism theory in French Mali intervention - Essay Example Mali faced some civil conflict since January 2012. Northern region of the country, Azawad, majorly occupied by the Islamic believers have been fighting for independence from the Malian government. The rebellious troops, dubbed The National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad (MNLA) fought the government to liberate Azawad and make it for Tuereg people, and three months later, the troop had taken over the region. The conflict sparked the coup of President Amadou Toure, and another troop dubbed CNRDR took over the nation before suspending the national constitution. Mali became unstable and the rebels took charge of major Malian cities. MNLA was supported by several Islamic militias, and after the MNLA conquer; Islamic laws were introduced in the Northern region of Mali. Later the Islamic and MLNA developed some conflicts. The government sought help from foreign nations to resolve the insecurity and instability in the country, and by January 2013, French military launched some ope rations against the Islamic militias. The operation was successful, since the Malian military took over from the Islamic militia a month later. History indicate that The French military took active role in the fight against the Islamic troops but trained the Malian military on advanced and effective war and defensive tactics, until they took over. The French Military applied the constructivism theory, also called learning theory to train the Malian military. This work is about the application of the constructivism theory in training the Malian troops by the French facilitators and boosting Malian national security. Mali’s national security was compromised when some Islamic rebellious troops launched several attacks in the Northern Mali in 2012 (Cole-Turner, 2001). The French being the former colonial master of Mali were the first to rescue the situation since the country would have turned into a hostile war zone. The first mission was to train the Malian national defensive te am on the application of modern military technologies to fight the religious militia. Constructivism Theory The theory implies that humans apply newly learned knowledge together with prior experience to undertake any duty or make effective decisions. It comes from the word ‘constructs’ which means a special kind of filters in the human body system which carry certain knowledge and tend to change human reality from a certain state of confusion to some kind of order. The constructivism theory has some ties with cognitive as well as biological human systems. The theory is applied in several fields of learning. For instance, it helps pass or grasp some knowledge in experiments, discovery learning, as well as project and task based trainings. This work is about the application of the constructivism theory in training the Malian troops by the French facilitators and boosting Malian national security. Mali’s national security was compromised when some Islamic rebellious troops launched several attacks in the Northern Mali in 2012 (Cole-Turner, 2001). The French being the former colonial master of Mali were the first to rescue the situation since the country would have turned into a hostile war zone. The first mission was to train the Malian national defensive team on the application of modern military technologies to fight the religious militia. The Constructivism theory was first applied in the early 20th century with some neuroscientists who believed that the main role of education is to increase societal knowledge. Experimental learning was encouraged since it tends to provide a practical platform to enable the learner add such knowledge to those learnt in theoretical class (Schein, 2011). The theory was to boost three basic elements of education namely thinking, reflection, as well explorations. The neurosurgeons lament that the theory was developed in certain sequences until it could be proved and applied in the society (Witte, 2007). Some

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing Plan for Breads and Bakes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Plan for Breads and Bakes - Essay Example The experience and the knowledge of B&B owners, product variety, and skilled workers are the strengths of the enterprise. The weakness of the firm arises from its dearth of knowledge regarding the taste and preference of the local clientele. The firm has a prospect of benefiting from the mild competitive rivalry and the large consumer base in the locality. The competition arising from the well-established and prominent cafes are a major threat.The retail industry for food and beverages in the US is swelling rapidly. The increased demand for the freshly baked products, including muffins, bread, and beverages such as coffee arises from the cool business climate of Seattle. The low competition in the locality also increases the demand for products (U.S Department of Commerce, 2008). Large coffee chains and espresso bars are the main rivals of B&B. Nonetheless, the cafes often have limited clients because of the higher outlays with which they are associated. B&B is economical in its comp etitive price, acquiring more clients (Langlois & Csontos, 1993).The firm’s products are a variety of coffee, espresso, and freshly baked products. The firm will market the products to the locals, tourists, and travelers in the town.The local residents aged between 15 and 50 years are the target market of the firm. The firm also targets the tourists and the frequent travelers in the town.B&B will be different from other firms in terms of a wide variety of provisions and competitive pricing.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Strategy Innovation Essay Example for Free

Strategy Innovation Essay â€Å"Strategy innovation is the capacity to re-conceive the existing industry model in ways that create new value for customers, wrong-foot competitors, and produce new wealth for all stakeholders. † (Hamel, 1998) This quote is used by Schoenberg to highlight the importance he places on strategy innovation, and the main two drivers of strategic innovation he cites: industry factors and firm factors. However, although there is wide ranging agreement with this view, there are also several dissenting voices amongst the academic community, who often view other factors, and drivers, as being more important to the success of a firm. One key area where factors outside the firm and industry have a great impact is in the social and environmental pressures facing business, which many companies have become increasingly aware of over the past decade. Many management scholars and consultants have argued that these new demands offer terrific opportunities for progressive organizations, and innovation is one of the primary means by which companies can achieve sustainable growth. (Johnson et al, 2005) This argument is backed up by the view that companies that ignore these pressures do so at their own peril, but the reality is that managers have had considerable difficulty dealing with sustainable development pressures. In particular, their innovation strategies are often inadequate to accommodate the highly complex and uncertain nature of these new demands across the economy and social spectrum as a whole, partly due to an excessive focus on the firm or industry (Hall and Vredenburg, 2003) Indeed, a strategy that integrates the goals of innovation and sustainable development is needed to ensure sustainable competitive advantage, rather than conventional, market-driven innovations approaches. Sustainable development innovation (SDI) (Hall and Vredenburg, 2003) is in fact driven by science that has yet to be accepted fully by the scientific, political and managerial communities, and the industry sector Amid such uncertainty, sustainable development innovation is often difficult and risky, however when faced with increasing pressure to consider sustainable development, many organizations have revised their business models and innovation strategies, and these changes are often highlighted in corporate sustainability reports and Web pages. Hall and Vredenburg, 2003) Hart el al (2003) looked at the most fundamental part of the strategy innovation process: new product development (NPD). They looked at criteria such product uniqueness, market potential, market chance, technical feasibility, and intuition, and found that these decreased as the NPD process unfolded. Overall they found that the success rate of NPD usage could be modelled by a model which held true across firms of different sizes, holding different market share positions, with different NPD drivers, following different innovation strategies, and developing different types of new products. Hart et al, 2003) This is yet another indication that there must be other factors at work besides the basic industry and firm drivers. Another viewpoint on the subject of innovation is that the very essence of a company is its values and priorities: what it considers important, and where its investments are made? Thus, a host of values and priorities, and combinations thereof, underlie business strategies. (Grant, 2005) Some firms have a cost-driven culture that supports a value position in the market place, whilst othe rs place priority on delivering a prestige customer experience. Aaker (2004) claims that innovation, quality, and customer concern are the three values and priorities worth highlighting because they are so frequently seen as drivers of corporate brands, however, the question must always be: has the firm provided customer benefits by being innovative? A reputation for innovation enhances credibility, however, it is not easy achieving an innovative reputation, and firms are often better advised to focus on providing quality and value. Aaker, 2004) Schoenberg’s arguments are also heavily based on the concepts of strategic positioning (Porter, 1980) and the resource based view (Barney, 1996), although he does not make overt references to these theories. However, the influence of previous strategy writers is clear throughout his piece: â€Å"value gap analysis is equally relevant to the Who question of strategy and to market positionings based on differentiation. (Schoenberg, 2003) helps to place his work in context with that of Porter’s (1980) Also, â€Å"The implication for those that seek innovative strategies is: does the proposed form of strategy innovation fit with your core competences? † shows that he is developing Barney’s resource based core competencies, within the context of innovation strategies, in order to ensure that his concepts remain relevant to organisations. Indeed, Schoenberg clearly states in his conclusion that he believes strategy innovation does not â€Å"represent a radical departure from onventional approaches to strategy formulation† (Schoenberg, 2003) and that it is merely a method for combining the two main strategy theories, which have often previously been viewed as being contradictory. Indeed, Johnston Jr. and Bate (2003) outline five phases to help firms innovate: staging, aligning, exploring, creating, mapping, however they warn that it is important to make sure that managers build into their organizations the capability to continuously innovate so that they become more resilient, and better prepared for future changes. Finally, to be truly considered strategy innovations, new products and initiatives that alter a firms business model must first turn a consistent profit, a fundamental necessity of both Porter’s (1980) and Barney’s (1996) models. Strategy innovation has always been about solving problems for customers in ways that they, not the sponsoring company, perceive to be superior or unique from their present way of addressing those problems. Strategy innovation can be incremental, involving minor changes to the firms business model, resources and capabilities. Or it can be a radical departure, as when a firm decides to make a positioning shift, and market its existing products and services to new customer groups. (Johnson et al, 2005) In conclusion, strategy innovations can occur in any part of an organisation: customer service, marketing, advertising, selling, production or distribution. However, whatever their source, successful strategy innovations have one thing in common: They result from discovering new ways to create value for customers, as measured by bottom-line results to the sponsoring company. Tucker, 2001) New innovations present themselves when companies and their leaders imagine opportunities to do more with their products and services than they have in the past, whether through acquiring or reallocating resources, or altering competitive positioning. Strategy innovation may be spurred by a desire to grow, but this desire should never be allowed to overshadow what the proposed new way of doing business will do for the customers, either existing or future, and the firm as a whole.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Importance Of Teacher Student Interaction

Importance Of Teacher Student Interaction Teachers who have positive interaction with their students create classroom environments more helpful to learning and meet students developmental, emotional and educational needs. Teaching is a people profession that demands a large amount of time being dedicated to personal interaction. Positive teacher-student interaction has a very crucial role for effective teaching and learning to take place (Arthur, Gordon, Butterfield, 2003). There are many important factors including productive Teaching and learning. Positive teacher-student interaction can be defined by shared acceptance, understanding, affection, intimacy, trust, respect, care and cooperation (Krause, Bochner, Duchesne, 2006). The Teacher Student relationship depends on very large extent upon effort from both parties although the teacher plays a key role and in fact, the responsibility, to initiate positive interaction. The teacher who is practical in representation, recognition, understanding, intimacy, expectation, respect, care and cooperation towards his or her students not only works at initiating positive teacher-student relationships, but also increases the likelihood of building strong rela tionships that will endure over time (Barry King, 1993). Teacher-student interaction is important for many reasons. Teacher student interaction is highly influence a students skill to change to University, to do well at University, and to relate to peers (Pianta, 1999). Teachers who had positive and secure relationships with students reported that their students were less likely to stay away from school, appeared more independent, more supportive, and busy in learning (Birch Ladd, 1997; Klem Connell, 2004). Teacher-student Interaction has an impact on classroom management and affects learning and growth. According to developmental perspective, the establishment of a positive teacher-student relationship aids a students cognitive, social and emotional growth and enhances their mental well-being (Brazelton Greenspan, 2000). The teacher-student relationships impact productively on a students self-esteem and enhance their skills. Student-Teacher interactions are very important for the development of the students academic self-concept and enhancing their enthusiasm and success. Colleges and universities that actively promote close and frequent contact between their students and faculty members are more likely to reap a host of benefits from such initiatives. Faculty members taking an interest in their students academic progress could potentially make significant contributions in increasing their intellectual and professional development (Anaya Cole, 2001; Chickering, 1969; Chickering Reisser, 1993; Cokley, 2000; Terenzini Pascarella, 1980). There is evidence that students successful in knowing even one faculty member closely are likely to feel more satisfied with their college life and aspire to go further in their careers (Rosenthal et al., 2000). Although most interactions with faculty tend to occur w ithin the formal classroom setting, students who experience informal interactions tend to be more motivated, engaged, and actively involved in the learning process (Thompson, 2001; Woodside, Wong, Weist, 1999). Informal interaction between students and faculty has been identified as a primary agent of college culture, and has an important influence on the attitudes, interests, and values of college students (Chickering Reisser, 1993; Lambert, Terinzini, Lattuca, 2007; Pascarella, 1980b; Pascarella Terenzini, 1991, 2005; Thompson, 2001). However, although previous research has established that student-faculty interactions are important, we still need to identify which aspects of student-faculty interactions are helpful and how these could significantly influence students to stay in college, increase their desire to work hard, stimulate them to enjoy learning, and encourage them to strive toward high achievement standards (Bean,1985). The current study addresses this gap in the li terature by examining eight specific types of student-faculty interactions as predictors of academic self-concept and three types of academic motivation, as well as academic achievement in a sample of college students from a medium-sized, public university located in the Midwestern United States. Interactions between students and faculty members are inevitable and personal connections that emerge through advisement and mentoring are highly valued (Light, 2001). In responding to several implicit, unspoken, and nonverbal cues, students are more likely to interact with faculty members perceived to be sociable, intelligent, showing leadership, supportive, and objective (Babad, Avni-Babad, Rosenthal, 2003; Furnham Chamorro-Premuzic, 2005). Faculty members allowing students to use their first names are perceived as higher in warmth, approachability, and respect in comparison to faculty members who are addressed by formal titles (McDowell Westman, 2005). Student-faculty interactions can be formal or informal, occurring either inside or outside instructional settings, with both playing an important role in determining students academic success (Jacobi, 1991). The most frequent type of contact that students have with faculty members typically include situations in which they are asking for information about a course or visiting after class (Kuh Hu, 2001). Faculty-student interactions could take on a more intense flavor in a tutorialstyle classroom, where a faculty member may meet with two students at a time for an hour, eventually interacting closely with about five such pairs of students per week (Smallwood, 2002). Such close, intense, interaction seems to enhance student learning and intellectual stimulation, with both students and faculty valuing the opportunity to know each other at an informal and personal level. Cox and Orehovec (2007) identified four major types of student-faculty interactions with the most important, functional interaction, referring to academic-related interactions outside the classroom. The other three types include personal interactions about some personal issues unrelated to academics, incidental contact maintained by occasional greetings, and finally disengagement, where there is minimal interaction with the faculty member inside the classroom and little or no interpersonal exchange. Even though faculty members may not always be aware of i t, their interactions can have a far-reaching influence on their students. Faculty member-student relations are a strong motivator and indicator of learning (Christensen Menzel, 1998). In particular, Decker, Dona, and Christenson (2007) note that the student-faculty member relationship is more important in predicting students social-emotional functioning than their academic performance. This implies that there is a support-seeking dimension in student-faculty member relationships that can be carefully nurtured to shape positive outcomes for students. Informal interactions with faculty members outside the classroom have been found to have an incremental effect on students motivation over and above the typical predictors of academic performance such as secondary school performance or academic aptitude (Pascarella Terinzini, 2005; Pascarella, Terenzini, Hibel, 1978). Informal discussions with faculty members about intellectual issues are associated with increases in students aspirations to achieve at a hi gher level than would be predicted by pre-enrollment characteristics. Initial interactions with faculty members are also very influential in increasing the value placed on high academic achievement and in compensating for the general student culture that does not typically value such achievement. Mentoring provided by faculty members as a sponsor, confidant, and protector seem to be relatively more important than even peer support, for students who are transitioning into college (Mann, 1992; Shore; 2003). Thus, faculty members seem to play an important role in the overall college experience for new and continuing students. Adolescents who model themselves after their teachers rather than their friends report higher levels of school adjustment (Ryan et al., 1994). Informal faculty-student contacts play a particularly crucial role during the first year in college because they allow students to integrate their academic and extracurricular experiences (Goodman Pascarella, 2006; Pascarell Terenzini, 1977; Pascarella Terenzini, 2005). Further, students reporting high and moderate levels of interactions with faculty members (relative to low interactions) rate their academic program as being more interesting, exciting, and enjoyable, as well as more relevant and necessary for their career. Finally, substantive student-faculty interactions have been found to have a positive impact on students vocational preparation and intellectual development (Kuh Hu, 2001).These findings suggest that student-facultyinteractions have a multidimensional influence on the cognitive and emotional needs of students, thus valida ting the importance of faculty members as role models. Some researchers have found that students who spoke more frequently with faculty outside class and received advice about their educational program reported significantly higher academic self-confidence (Plecha, 2002). This finding is congruent with Endo and Harpel (1982) and Astin (1999)s work showing that interacting frequently with faculty members is part of being academically engaged and students who are more involved do better in college. Similarly, Bjorkland, Parente, and Sathiyanathan (2002) note that students who are in more frequent contact with faculty members and receive more feedback on their performance show remarkable improvement in communicating in a group, competence in their specific field, awareness about their future occupation, and general problem-solving skills. Other reported benefits of such student-faculty relationships include greater satisfaction with academic life, lesser likelihood of dropping out, and feeling more intellectually driven (Hazler Carney, 1993). In support of Chickerings (1969) model, recent data suggest that students engaging in meaningful interactions with faculty members are more likely to have a sense of purpose and competence for succeeding in college (Martin, 2000). Further, students who perceive their faculty members to be caring and have positive informal interactions with them often report greater learning (Teven McCroskey, 1997) as well as satisfaction with college and enhanced intellectual and personal development (Lamport, 1993). When Pakistan was founded in 1947 as a result of the partition with India, the country had only one institution of higher education, the University of the Punjab. Over the next 20 years, many private and public schools and higher education institutions were established to help fuel the countrys socio-economic development. In the early 1970s, all of Pakistans educational institutions were nationalized under the government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who was committed to the idea of Islamic Socialism. For the next decade, Pakistans entire system of education was state-run. However, the growing demand for higher education fast outpaced the establishment of new public universities. During that period, the system could accommodate only 25 percent of the high school graduates who applied to higher education institutions. The overcrowding prompted many wealthy Pakistanis to seek university degrees abroad in the United States, Great Britain and Australia, while others sought out private tutors at home or entered the job market without a degree. In 1979 a government commission reviewed the consequences of nationalization and concluded that in view of the poor participation rates at all levels of education, the public sector could no longer be the countrys sole provider of education. By the mid-1980s, private educational institutions were allowed to operate on the condition that they comply with government-recognized standards. Until 1991, there were only two recognized private universities in Pakistan: Aga Khan University established in 1983; and Lahore University of Management Sciences established in 1985. By 1997, however, there were 10 private universities and in 2001-2002, this number had doubled to 20. In 2003-2004 Pakistan had a total of 53 private degree granting institutions. The rapid expansion of private higher education is even more remarkable if we look at the number of institutions established on a year-by-year basis. In 1997, for instance, three private institutions were established; in 2001 eleven new private institutions were opened; and in 2002 a total of 29 private sector institutions sprung up. According to HEC, there are total 128 recognized Universites in Pakistan, 70 are public and 58 are private. PRIVATE VS. PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION While the quality of Pakistans private universities varies widely, they all share some common traits. Most of them have adopted the American model of higher education, which features a four-year bachelors degree and system of credits. Supporters of private higher education believe that non-government institutions can deliver higher quality education and do it far more efficiently than the public sector. They point to the fact that private schools rarely suffer the closures and class suspensions their public counterparts do, and that students enrolled at these schools are more apt to complete their degree programs on time. They also believe that private universities will introduce international standards of competence and accountability.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Introduction To The Global Tourism Hospitality Tourism Essay

Introduction To The Global Tourism Hospitality Tourism Essay travel and tourism, lodging, assemble and event management, restaurant and managed serviceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Walker 2009. On the whole, these components have interrelated nature because they support each other, together aim at a common target: best customer service. The outstanding characteristics of hospitality and tourism industry are: long working hours and people have to work in shifts. The most important feature of this sector is that it focuses heavily on customers satisfaction but it is also intangible and perishable à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Walker, 2009). As a result, in order to be successful in this highly competitive industry, managers should consider several factors to ensure the success for their hotels, such as: customers focus, understanding of the role of the guest contact employees; weave a service culture into education and training system (Walker, 2009). On the other hand, the severity of the market and the economy crisis also encouraged hotel creating the alliance and association to be more successful. For example, Global Hotel Alliance (GHA) is a collection of 15 upscale and luxury regional hotel brands from across the world. Choose from 300 hotels, palaces and resorts in 52 countries around the world, each one reflecting the distinctive culture and traditions of their locations (Walker, 2009). They can gain more profits and saving by sharing the promotions and making chain services between members. I think in the normal condition, when the social, economic and political environment is stable, hotels tend to compete with each other to expand their markets as well as to generate more revenue. However, when the external environment encounters any changes, such as the recent economic crisis, hotels might want to cooperate to help each other overcome troubles. . In the future, hoteliers have to deal with several unprecedented issues such as short booking window or develop mobile booking, which never happened in the past (Hotels, 2011). There are more and more new technologies applied in hospitality and tourism to increase productivity and optimize the strategy. The hi-tech equipment will also attract the Y generation who rely much on those devices daily. Exercise 1 The image Umbrella might symbolize for the square of flat and the speed of opening umbrella. As shown above, Hospitality Industry is a wide segment, which contains many relevant sub majors. It is even said that under the umbrella of travel and tourism, countless professions are necessary to meet the needs and wants of people away from home (Walker 2009). All of these majors one by one continually provide customers with necessary services when they are away from home. For instance, people might need a car to travel (Travel and Tourism majors task), then they might want to book a room at 4 star hotel to sleep (Lodging service). After that customers want to visit a park (Recreation service) and finally they book a table at their hotel to have dinner (Restaurant service). I think in the future, with the development of technology, people will know more about their options and they might have new desire. Thus there will be more professions under the umbrella of hospitality and tourism and they may attach more closely through electronic devices to each other. Exercise 2 VIETNAM Figure 1.The number of tourists from 2008 2010 in Vietnam (Source: General statistics Office of Vietnam) In the graph, the data of outbound customers in Vietnam was not shown for several reasons. The number of tourist growth significant from 2008 to 2010. There is a slight decrease in inbound data in 2009 around 1.5 millions visitors while the figure of domestic rapidly raised more than 3 millions visitors per year. In fact, only the data on international visitors to Vietnam are published monthly, and data on domestic and total revenue from tourism is often only reported in the six months of the annual meeting of the industry. Deputy General Director of the General Statistics Office said Tran Thi Hang, program surveys, national statistics, the new unit every 2-3 years she expenditure survey of international visitors to Vietnam, domestic tourists foreign and domestic travel once.(Chile, 2012). Lacking information might prevent the authorities from making policy plan as well as prediction about the long term and short-term development of tourism and the development of market. As a result, the government might not control the domestic tourism and outbound like taxing, foreign exchange, support the customers right, responsibilities of travel agents, hotels à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. AUSTRALIA Figure 1. The number of tourists from 2008 2010 in Australia (Sources: Tourism Research Australia, 2012; Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011; Overseas Arrivals and Departures, 2012) As can be seen, the tourism market of Australia was stable with slight decreases. The total number of tourists in 2008 was 81,495,000 visitors while there were 79,793,000 visitors in 2010. Meanwhile, the number of Vietnam tourism market rose dramatically over a period of 3 years. In 2008 and 2009, the tourism sector of Australia was influenced slightly by the economy crisis. However, the data of inbound and domestic customers in Vietnam kept increasing steadily. From my perspective, during the difficult time of economy, people want to redirect their destinations to developing countries to save money. Table .1 Compare the Employment in tourism by sectors Vietnam (2010) Australia (2010) Direct labour 434, 240 513,900 Accommodation and food services 207,600 232,400 Travel agency and transport 65,800 92,500 Indirect labour 955,350 393,400 Other services 160,840 189,000 Total 1,389,600 907,300 (Source: General Statistics Office of Vietnam, 2011 and Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011; Tourism Research Australia, 2012) As can be seen, the total number of people working in Hospitality segment in Vietnam is much higher than the number of Australia (around 1,4 million and 900 thousand respectively). However, the number of direct labour of Vietnam is lower than Australias (434 thousand and 513 thousand). On the other hand, Vietnam has more people contribute indirectly to hospitality industry than Australia has (about 955 thousand and 393 thousand). In my opinion, Vietnamese labour force is much abundant than that of Australia and this matter might lead to both strong points and drawbacks. First of all, as for the advantages, hospitality industry might have cheap labour cost, which save them a lot of expense. However, the labour force in Vietnam is not equal in quality and easy to be replaced. TOPIC 2 CURRENT ISSUES FOR THE TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY A brief history Four Season Hotel From a small hotel opened in Toronto, Canada, Four Season Corporation becomes a great international hotel group, which provides the most luxurious and satisfactory services to customers. In this exercise, I would like to outline the development and expansion of Four Season globally. Canada In 1961 the first Four Seasons hotel opened at Toronto, Canada by Issy Sharp England In 1970, Inn on the Park London (later renamed Four Seasons Hotel London) opened. USA In 1976, the Four Seasons officially enter the American market Maui In 1990, Four Seasons launched its first tropical resort, in Maui. Asia In 1992 Four Seasons started their expansion to Asia with the first hotel opened in Tokyo. In 2002 Four Seasons entered Chinese market with the hotel in Shanghai. In May 2008, Four Seasons marked its entry into the Indian market Middle East In 2000, launched the first hotel in the Middle East (Four Seasons Cairo).There followed a prominent extension in the region. Four Season Hotel today As shown above, Four Seasons step by step expand its operation and influences to the international hospitality industry. Nowadays, Four Seasons exist in almost continental and one of the most potential markets is Asia since Asian market is developing and it is going to be the biggest market by 2020 (Amadeus report November 2012) . Evaluation Currently, with 88 hotels and resorts in 35 countries, Four Seasons has strong reputation, which provides high level services delivered by well -trained staff. I think that one of the reasons make Four Seasons become distinctive among competitors is the responsibility to bring new experience to customers. For example, Four Seasons is going to introduce the first Around-The-World by Private Jet tour trip, a brand new, unique service to customers (Four Seasons Corporate Newsletter A September 28, 2012). Four Seasons Hotel group has huge impacts to the global business world in terms of innovative service and technological progress. For example, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts has been ranked number one in Digital IQ Index: Hotels report for the appliance of digital platform (Four Seasons Corporate Newsletter B September 28, 2012). The main global challenges Speaking of the global strategies, I believe that proving the memorable experiences for guests and quality relationships with employees and business partners (According to Michael D. Johnson, the Cornell Hospitality Hotel Schools dean) and following its living values are two of the major strategies that Four Seasons apply. The living values include: supporting sustainability, building communities and advancing cancer research. TOPIC 3 OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES AND THE ACCOMMODATION SECTOR Discussion questions The different hotel ownership options Hotel ownership options Advantages Disadvantages Owned by a single entity or group that has hired a hotel management company to operate the property A qualified and experienced manager operates the properties. Hotel owners and management companies might conflict. Lower benefit for owners. A hotel chain Existing good reputation, operation manners, staff training. Hotel chain has the same standard quality of services and products. Require huge initial resources The different hotel in chain might compete with each other. A major change in hotel chains need a lot of money and time. A franchise The products and services have already been developed and have reputation. The franchisee used the logo, slogan, marketing and financial assistance of the franchisor to start the business, old market, a network of loyal and low-priced supplies. The cost opening a franchise need a lot of money for brand, signage,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ If your franchise decides to go through a major change. A franchisee may be required to upgrade facilities and signage, all at your expense. Reputation: Name recognition is one of the biggest advantages in purchasing a franchise. If the brands reputation suffers for any reason, however, the franchisees also suffer from poor consumer perception. Limited growth potential: a franchisee cannot franchise an operation and must look instead to purchasing additional franchises. City Hotels in Sydney: Shangri-La Hotel, Four Seasons Hotel, Sheraton, InterContinentalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Resort Hotels in Sydney: Old Sydney Park royal, Parramatta Apartments, Park Lodge Hotel, Renaissance Sydney Hotel, Waldorf Apartment Hotel, Waldorf East Sydney, Woolloomooloo Waters Hotelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Pricing differences for accommodation packages The price for Residential Hotels accommodation package includes: + Room service, maid service, laundry facilities. + Cooking facilities, especially for children. The price for All Suite Hotels accommodation package includes: + Room service, maid service, laundry facilities. + Separate bedroom and living areas and full kitchen + Housekeeping service + Food and beverage services are available through room service. The price for Resort Hotels accommodation package includes: + Accommodation with full experiments. + Full facilities such as massage and salon treatment, swimming pool, scuba diving, climbing mountainsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ + Food and beverage service or restaurants with many of choices. City Center Hotels: + Room service, maid service, breakfast. + Food and beverage service in restaurants Airport Hotels: + Room service, maid service, breakfast. Motels: + Accommodation with full furniture. Transient Hotels: + Room service, maid service, breakfast. Bed and Breakfast. + Room service, breakfast. The typical guest mix of two types hotel The city centre hotels have certain advantages like: + Convenient locations + A variety of accommodation rooms + Food and beverage outlets depending on demand and customers + Facilities like gift shops, swimming pools, spa and sauna à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ + Convention facilities such as conference rooms, convention equipment The customers of city centre hotels: + Corporate individuals + The senior corporate groups + Leisure customers + Convention and/or association groups + Tour groups + Government and military travellers + Regional getaway or weekend travellers. The city centre hotels have some advantages like: + Rooms with full amenities + Providing room service, maid service, laundry facilities + Full equipped with cooking facilities and recreational facilities for children Residential hotels guest mix might include: + Long-term stay guests: military or government employees + Leisure travellers or back packers Compare cruise ships and resort hotels There are many similarities of cruise ships and resort hotels that make people think cruise is floating resort. Both cruise ships and resort hotels aim at customers who want enjoy a long period holiday. Their infrastructures of cruise ships and resort hotels are the combination of different buildings and facilities inside their areas, such as rooms, restaurants, swimming pool, spa and sauna area, entertains areaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Both cruise ships and resort hotels activities rely on climate and season However, there are many differences between these two kinds of hotels and compare with their expectation to choose the most suitable one for them. Firstly, the experience between cruise ships and resort hotels is so different. The cruise liner is a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages. An advantage to choosing a cruise line is the unique experience of sailing from island to island(Banks, n.d ). The view from a private balcony on a cruise ship is enough to make anyone feel like a world traveller. Cruise ship spends most of its time on the ocean, customers can entertain many activities which is provided free facilities. It is available both day and night and is generally more engaging than the entertainment that is offered at an all-inclusive resort (Banks, n.d ). The customers can sleep the night away while they are traveling to the next destination, leaving they refreshed to embark on a new adventure(Banks, n.d ). One disadvantage to choosing an all-inclusive resort is that customer will only see one destination(Banks, n.d ). The entertainment at an all-inclusive resort is also usually less diverse than a cruise ship(Banks, n.d ). However, experience of resort might be the favourable climate and wide range of recreational activities(Banks, n.d ). Resort hotels are often located at comfortable climate regions such as beaches, hills or mountains(Banks, n.d ). Consequently, cruise ships and resort aim at different groups of customers, who have different demand in terms of, experience, services Case study: The case study presents the strategy of Royal Hotel about a renovation program. This hotel had a loyal clientele and ranked as a top of the line property. Hotel do not want to take the risk of losing customers to competitors then managers decided to remain open and keep in operation any rooms or portions of the hotel which did not have to be shut down for construction. Those problems is the cause that the customers complaint about ongoing construction in public areas and hallways, along with the attendant dust, confusion, and noise. In this situation, some necessary solutions should be given including: Isolating construction areas from the rest of the building by signs, advertising background in order to separate the working areas of builders from areas for customers. Minimizing the impact of noise, dust, and construction materials. Increasing organizational activities, events to disperse the attention of customers from the repairing areas. Increasing promotion and other benefits for customers who were affected by the refurbishment. The conditions needed for the solution include the promotional programs and the budget for negotiation with customers in particular situations. Besides, the renovation program should be speeded up to reduce noise and affects to customers. TOPIC 4 ROOMS DIVISION AN OVERVIEW FROM A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Reading This article proposes a resort classification system which provide definition stating minimum qualifications for a resort and proposes a classification system based on range and scope of amenities (Brey 2011). However, there are many categorizing resorts made by national governments About the definition, Focusing on resorts as real estate developments, a definition by Schmitz et al. (2008) requires three primary characteristics: inclusion in master-planned real estate developments, proximity or easy access to significant amenities, and lodging(Brey 2011). In an effort to standardize a diverse group of resorts, the Organization of American States (OAS) placed minimum structural and supplementary requirements to unite individual rating systems throughout the Caribbean (Caribbean Innkeeper 2007). While these clarification activities have successfully served a specific purpose, they lack industry-wide application As for classification, the first category, destination resort, serve as the primary motivation to visit a destination and have characteristically high levels of service(Brey 2011). Next, intermediate resort, typically located in a rural location, provides a range of activities and amenities that is not as comprehensive as what is found at destination resorts. Lastly, specialized resort, can be found in any location and provide a focused experience around one signature amenity or anchor attribute. We can see the important role of classification its helps the managers can control, evaluate and and make strategy plan for their resort. The online travel agents bring to the hotel many benefits and drawbacks, they are also important distribution channel to make hotels inventory available to global audience. Hospitality providers want to use technology to distribute their inventory directly, it is impossible to deny the role of online travel agent currently. Many hotel bookings are implemented through online travel agents and online tools. As for advantages, the relationship between hotels and the online travel agents called LOVE. Online intermediaries have evolved to cover different models, reach different market. Hotels and online travel agent need each other, hotel need agent to drive demand and agent need hotels to offer services. Both sides need each other, both hotels and the online travel agents develop and rely on each other to develop. However, hotels loss the power to contribute by themselves, they must share more commissions to pay for agent then fewer profitability. That is the reason why hotels HATE the online travel agents. The love hate relationship seems to be most intense between large hotel group and large online travel agents. Since the large hotel create a monopoly amongst online agents. In general, online travel agents and intermediaries are now essential part of the industry and as for the hotel, an absolute necessity. Revenue management and sales staff have close relation with each other because they together make decisions regarding rate, accept group business and forecast. However, they can foster better coordination to minimize the misunderstanding and understand thoroughly the others main tasks. We understand in some ways that revenue management team include sales and revenue management personnel. One way to improve group revenue management functions is to expand the collabouration of sales and revenue management personnel, particularly in pricing (Cross, Higbie, and Cross 2009) and forecasting (Milla and Shoemaker 2008). Revenue management team are responsible for: Whether to accept a group offer and forecast room block utilization to ensure that rooms will be filled or released for sale to transient guests. Although having the frequency of formal meetings, the two respondent groups are still having certain informal meetings. With regard to formal meetings, the highest mentioned frequencies were daily or one or two times per week. The informal meeting to help communication between the revenue management and sales functions better. Case Study: The case study describes the new position for Morgan Black in the Coug Inn. The Cougar- Inn is in a remote location near local university, with 150-room full-service property with several medium-sized conference rooms. After observing, Morgan Black found out some problems of the front desk: the check-in process which still in the traditional process and the poor communication between housekeeping and the font desk. Morgan wants to use the automated property management system, however the front desk manager do not think it is worth money In my opinion, Morgan should consider a number of issues like employee habit, the ability to budget for the system and the adaptation of employees to work with systems. The proposed check-in time of the font desk Morgan need to determine whether the front desk clerks really need more time to arrange check-in. Which the crunch time which because of the reservation process or complex reservation form or poor communication between the parts such as front desk, reservation and housekeeping by the language or the process? Morgan should present the solutions for the communication issue between housekeeping and the font desk. There is the needed aware of communication between each department. The international language must be English for business and the hotel should have training English and automated property management system. The manager of housekeeping should have rules to encourage staff using English in work. On the other hand, using automated property management system will help to minimize the mistake in communication; the transmitted information will be more accurate. In the easier way, Morgan should hire new employee who can use international business English in workplace. The final decision requires the participation of the corporate office, the font desk, reservation and housekeeping. The corporate office will control the budgets, who will decide where the money comes and which is worth for investment. The font desk are the staff for a long time and the corporate office needs to give their ideas and advice before any methods are implemented. The housekeeping must concern for understanding their role in new property management system. Topic 5 Food and Beverage The two basic types of beer and three Australian common brands Beer is generally categorized into types according to the type of yeast used during fermentation. Ales are beers that use top-fermenting yeast, while lagers are those that use bottom-fermenting yeast. The choice of yeast provides the beer different characteristics, which can alter the look and taste of the brew (Richard, 2007 ) The two types of beer are also different in other ways. For instance, ales are fermented in a warmer temperature, which is why it takes a shorter amount of time to ferment. On the other hand, lagers are fermented in moderate temperatures. The warm fermentation temperature also gives ales a nutty or fruity taste. Ale Lager Thousands of years old Relatively new Fermented warm Fermented cold Top fermentation Bottom fermentation Yeast Saccharomyces cervisiae Yeast Saccharomyces Uvarum Quick brew cycle as little as 7 days Longer brew cycle up to several months Usually brewed between 59 77 degrees F Usually brewed between 40 and 55 degrees F Strong, assertive, and more robust in taste Smoother, crisper, and more subtle in taste and aroma Served not too cool, usually 50-55 degrees F, 10-14 degrees C,  sometimes called  cellar temperature. Served cold, usually 40-45 degrees F, 4-7 degrees C. Table 5.1 The differences between Ale and Lager (Source: Richard, 2007 What is the difference between an ale and a lager?) The two major beer producers Carlton United Breweries (CUB) is one of the most iconic beer companies in Australia with our history going back to 1824(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,) In 2011, we demerged from our wine arm and became part of the SABMiller group, the second largest brewer in the world. This has allowed us to return to our heritage and core strength as a brewer(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,) CUB alcohol beverage sales team services over 17,000 customers across the on-premise and off-premise channels and our national brewing, logistics and sales network delivers to over 20,000 customers including hotels, clubs, liquor stores, restaurants and bars(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,) Victoria Bitter (VB) has long been Australias favourite beer, and is specially brewed to deliver full flavour when ice cold, making it the ideal beer for the Australian climate(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,) VB is a full flavoured, full strength beer at 4.9%; the gentle fruitiness of the aroma compliments the sweet maltiness in the mouth which in turn balances perfectly with the clean hop bitterness of the finish(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,); Crown Lager is Australias premium lager beer(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,) It has a creamy fruitiness with a rich, malty mid-palate, bal ­anced with the crisp, clean finish of Pride of Ringwood hops(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,) Brewed from the finest malt and hops, using CUBs original and unique strain of brewing yeast, extended storage softens, and rounds out, the flavours produced during fermentation, ALC/VOL: 4.9%(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,) Carlton Draught is a traditional, full-strength lager that is crisp on the mid-palate with a good malt character and smooth full-bodied flavour(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,) Clean hop bitterness gives the brew a slightly dry finish. Synonymous with the origins of the brewery itself, Carlton Draught is renowned for tasting as fresh as it did the day it was brewed. And its that kind of consistency in taste thats been important to Australians for generations. ALC/VOL: 4.6%(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,) Miller Genuine Draft is the original easy drinking beer cold filtered four times for a crisp, smooth and refreshing taste. MGD contains no additives or preservatives. ALC/VOL: 4.7%(Carlton  Ã‚  United Breweries ,n.d,) Lion is a beverage company that operates in Australia and New Zealand and produces and markets a range of beer, wine, RTDs and spirits(Lion, n.d) Tooheys New is the classic, easy-drinking Australian lager brewed with no artificial additives and no preservatives(Lion, n.d). Its lightly hopped, malty character delivers the perfect balance of bitter and sweet beer flavours XXXX GOLD is a refreshing mid-strength beer that continues the great tradition of FOUREX brewing heritage, by being brewed with the finest Australian malt, barley and unique golden cluster hops. XXXX GOLD has a balanced, smooth flavour and body, complimented by mild bitterness and a trace of sweetness from the extra malt.(Lion, n.d) Hahn premium beer is only as good as its ingredients. Thats why our pioneering team scoured the globe to assemble three special hops, one of which is grown in Germany on the Hersbruck Hills, north of Munich. Its that unwillingness to settle for anything but the best that makes Hahn Premium.(Lion, n.d) James Squire is produced by the Malt Shovel Brewery in Sydney. The beer is named after the convict brewer James Squire, who is claimed to have created Australias first commercial brewery.The brewery has won various awards including: Champion Australasian Brewery, 2000 and 2003 (Australian International Beer Awards),[14] and Best Bohemian-Style Pilsener, 2008 (World Beer Cup)(Lion, n.d) The boutique breweries Boutique breweries :A small brewery, generally producing fewer than 10,000 barrels of beer and ale a year and frequently selling its products on the premises. Also called microbrewery. Three Australian boutique beers include: Carlton and United Breweries owned by Fosters Group Main Beers: VB, Crown Lager, Carlton Draught, Pure Blonde and Reschs Pilsener Tooheys owned by Lion Nathan Main Beers: Tooheys New, Tooheys Old and Tooheys Extra Dry Castlemaine Perkins owned by Lion Nathan Main Beers: XXXX Bitter, XXXX Gold, XXXX Light, XXXX Summer Bright Lager The most popular overseas beers Heineken is a pale lager beer with 5% alcohol by volume produced by the Dutch brewing company Heineken International. Aroma: A slight bit of sweet graininess and no hop aroma. As the beer warms up there is more of a malt character present. Again, unlike the almost undrinkable bottle version, the can has the aroma of a nice to style lager. Appearance: Just like it should be, a light gold colour and crystal clear. Head retention is white and does not persist. Flavour: Nice and dry, but crisp. There is a definite yeast character that seems to work well with the slight hop bitterness. No hop flavour to speak of. No dactyl, and there is a definite carbonic bite from the carbonation. Overall: A very drinkable beer that benefits from being packaged in a light and oxygen free can. Modelo Especial: It is an American lager produced by the produced by Grupo Modelo in 1925 Aroma: Light struck, of course. Other than the skunk, some bready, thin malt profile. Sweet mildly bitter grains, corn. Appearance: Pale yellow. High clarify. Lots of rising bubbles. No lacing. Flavour: Better than the aroma. Mild malt sweetness, corn and maybe rice. Some bitter bite at the end Overall Impression: Very easy to drink, bland and insubstantial San Miguel Pale Pilsen: produced by San Miguel Corporation from Philippines Aroma: aroma of malt sweetness, bit of citrus with

Monday, August 19, 2019

Folic Acid Essay -- essays research papers

The New Sensation. Before you sit down to munch on your breakfast cereal or bread, you might want to take notice of a vitamin that seems to be popping up more and more in ingredients. This is being Folic Acid. The FDA is recommending that it be added to foods and that people take it in pill form every day. This is mainly because it is a key component in the never-ending battle our body fights against diseases. What is it capable of? It is proven to lower chances of birth defects, and heart attacks. The FDA has been viewing the evidence of the chances of lowering birth defects and has ordered that enriched gain products increase their amounts of folic acid. This is because it is found that most women who are pregnant do not eat enough fruits and vegetables to have the same impact as Folic acid has. The effect it has is that it decreases the chance of neural birth defects. Neural birth defects can cause death shortly after birth. It is estimated that nearly 400,000 infants have this birth complications because of this, yet it has been proven that what folic acid can do can greatly reduce the risk. Not only can this acid reduce the birth defect rate; it can also lower the chance of heart attacks in men and woman. It is believed that there is an amino acid called homocystine in most people that sometimes may get too high, when this happens it causes scarred arteries and increases the risk of heart attacks. In this articles it states that less than 12-40% of A...

A seperate piece :: Essays Papers

A seperate piece A Separate Peace by John Knowls Is a classic struggle of man vs. himself and man vs. society. Taking place as a flashback, the narrator Gene Forrester tells of his struggles as a prep school student in the years of his life between age 16, and 17 during the period of WWII. Although Gene Forester the narrator and Finny an athletic roommate are best friends, they have to contrasting struggles. Like the garden of Eden the first few chapters express the peacefulness of the summer at the Private school in New England and the land beneath the forbidden tree. Like the Book Billy Budd by Herman Melville, A Separate Peace identifies some of the characters as innocent to the world. Gene expresses what peace is like by saying "sixteen, careless and wild" and "Phineas was the essence of this careless peace." Gene Forrester returns to visit the school and a tree in the book and represent him returning to some of the traumatic events in his life. Gene had always conformed to rules and followed rules and regulations with obedience. Throughout time this changes, as the influence of Finny lowers Genes obedience to such things. The wars within Gene are disputed as well as the wars outside and the novel expresses the acceptance and rejecting of these aspects. The struggles to create a better more Ideal life for himself occurs, and his belief that Finny is the ideal does not diminish until Finny no longer can stand on his own. The complete contrast of Finny and Gene is a boy named Leper. Leper was not interested in much and is the first of the boys mentioned to go to war. Leper introduces the boys into the adult world before entering the army. His freedom is ended by the strict rules and behaviors of the army and he then changes severely. Throughout the novel arises the symbol of the tree which has it’s part in the many conflicts each character faces. The sequence of events involving the tree are the challenge of climbing the tree, victory over fear and the betrayal of a friend. This book shows the struggles conflicts and changes of a growing boy in society.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Exposing Pain in The Enormous Radio Essay examples -- Enormous Radio E

Exposing Pain in The Enormous Radio  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In John Cheever’s short story, "The Enormous Radio," Jim and Irene Westcott are presented as average, middle-class Americans with hopes and dreams just like everyone else. They are described as "the kind of people who seem to strike that satisfactory average of income, endeavor, and respectability" (Cheever 817). Jim and Irene thought they were the epitome of the perfect American family that was free from trouble and worry. The only way that they differed from their friends and neighbors was a deep passion for serious music. This passion, through the enormous radio, brought to their attention the realization that they had just as many problems as the next family. Their reaction to the radio argues the fact that they were not perfect and did not have a worry-free life. The first sign that the radio was going to cause a problem was its physical appearance. Irene abhorred the radio: "She was struck at once with the physical ugliness of the large gumwood cabinet" (Cheever 817). The radio stuck out like a sore thumb in Irene’s perfectly arranged living room. The radio’s appearance resembled what it would eventually do, "bring a new ugliness into the perfectly arranged lives of the Westcotts" (Giordano 56). When the Westcotts first realize that they had possession of an eavesdropping machine, Irene becomes extremely paranoid about whether or not they are being overheard too, like they have something to hide. Irene quickly becomes obsessed with listening to others’ conversations, as Nathan Giordano points out "it was like tuning into a soap opera on television" (56). The Westcotts would stay up late at night to listen to others’ conversations; some nights they went to bed "weak wit... ...indeed have problems and that turning a blind eye to her problems doesn’t help solve them" (Smith 59). The enormous radio was a reality check for Irene. It was a lesson that all she can do is be the best person she can and that denial only represses guilt for a short time. Whether Irene understands this is uncertain, but the reader finally realizes that even the "average American family" may have problems that must be worked through, not forgotten. Works Cited Cheever, John. "The Enormous Radio." The Harper Anthology of Fiction. Sylvan Barnet. New York: HarperCollins, 1991. 817-824. Giordano, Nathan. "Illusions, Delusions." Ode to Friendship & Other Essays. Ed. Connie Bellamy Virginia Beach, Virginia, 1996. 55-58. Smith, TaVeta. "The Perfect Facade." Ode to Friendship & Other Essays. Ed. Connie Bellamy Virginia Beach, Virginia, 1996. 58-59.      

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Lorax 2

The Lorax Sequel By Georgia and Maddie â€Å"So†¦Catch! † calls the once-ler He lets something fall It’s a truffula seed It’s the last one of all You’re in charge of the last of the truffula seeds And truffula trees are what everyone needs Plant a new truffula, treat it with care Give it clean water and feed it fresh air Grow a forest protect it from axes that hack Then the lorax And all of his friends May come back. † So off ted went with the seed in his hand An idea in his head, and no greed in his planHe left for a place where the sky is blue With a small patch of sunlight That leaves the green grass new The clouds that filled the sky were a crisp white A place where the Swomee-Swans could take flight And the humming fish hummed in the rippulous pond While the Brown Bar- ba- loots played And sung in the shade â€Å"Excuse me! Excuse me! ‘Ted cried out ‘I need your help without a single doubt, To plant this Truffula seed to help i t grow We can work together its essential you knowWe could live in peace and learn to keep a balance Between the Truffula trees but also the Thneeds! I am a man of my word and a man of my deeds So let me help you and speak for the trees! ’ Slowly but surely the brown Bar-ba-loots peeked Out at this Ted that had made a loud squeak The humming fish glanced as the Swomee- Swans shrieked; ‘We’ll help you dear Ted plant your little Truffula seed! ’ As the Truffula tree slowly grew, More and more animals returned tooTo help little Ted and his crew Mature a forest creating a new world for me and you So let the word know, call them in We’ll live all together as kin In little huts up in those truffula tufts Where thneeds are still made And no trees will be slayed By taking those tufts a little And using nothing but whittle Leaving the tufts to restore In their glory and awe To create a balance that no one can flaw Up in the clouds The lorax did grin The plac e we created that is our greatest win

Friday, August 16, 2019

Obasan Internment Camps Transfer of Values

How the Japanese Internment Camps Disrupted the Transfer of Values One of the darkest periods in Canadian history strongly revolves around the Second World War and the internment of Canadian-Japanese citizens. â€Å"Obasan,† a novel by Joy Kogawa, explores the internment of Canadian citizens of Japanese descent through Naomi Nakane, a thirty-six year old schoolteacher, and her family. The novel chronicles the life of Naomi, providing many perspectives from different parts of her life, beginning with her life as a youth and her first-hand experience with the Japanese internment camps.The Japanese internment camps disrupted the transfer of values between the three generations, the Issei, Nisei, and Sansei, by separating families. This separation occurs specifically in â€Å"Obasan,† through Naomi and Stephen, their father and uncle, as well as Naomi, her mother and Obasan. The three generations discussed in â€Å"Obasan† are the Issei, Nisei, and Sansei. The Issei are Canadian residents born or raised in Japan. Aya Obasan is most representative of the Issei in the novel. The children of Issei, born and raised in Canada, are called Nisei. The Nisei explored in this novel include Naomi’s mother, father, and Naomi’s aunt, Emily.Finally, the Sansei, children of Nisei who are born and raised in Canada, consist of Naomi and Stephen, her brother. All three of these generations have different experiences, traditions, and values, passed down from generation to generation. These values and traditions were disrupted in Canada during and after WWII because of Japanese internment camps. The separation of the Sansei generation, Stephen and Naomi, and the Nisei, because of the Japanese internment camps, had a great affect on the disruption of transference of values. The father of Stephen and Naomi, Mark, was separated from them for a large portion of their childhood.This separation, due to the internment camps, lead to the Sansei generation mi ssing out on such values as leadership, or strength. Instead, Mark focused on trying to keep regularity, a common value, in the Sansei generation’s lives, demonstrated through the following quotation: â€Å"We’ve heard from Mark . . . All he thinks about are Stephen’s music lessons† (Kogawa 113). This excerpt from the text displays that Mark is trying to, despite the separation of the two by the internment camps, keep regularity in Stephen’s life by encouraging his musical studies.Naomi also is deprived of natural values normally passed down through generations, because of the Japanese internment camps. A value a child might inherit from their parents is hard work. This hard work would be instilled upon the different generations through family routines around the house. These family routines were constantly interrupted by Naomi’s families’ constant uprooting as well as the unnatural living they experienced in the brutal internment cam ps. One attempt at instilling hard work in the Sansei around the house, though short-lived, occurs in Slocan.This hard work is displayed in the following excerpt: â€Å"[Stephen] and Uncle work together and . . . A vegetable garden, flowers, a lawn, and a chicken coop with several chickens appear. † (Kogawa 149). Hard work was also a value passed down from generation to generation through education and school. Schooling was absent in the lives of the Sansei for over two years because of the Japanese internment camps: â€Å"Until May 1943, when we first attend school, Stephen and I have no formal studies† (Kogawa 149).The Nakane’s, despite the hardships they faced in the Japanese internment camps, made a valiant, and effective, effort to transfer the values from different generations to Naomi and Stephen. A value very important in Japanese culture is wisdom. Although the internment camps have separated the families, specifically Naomi and Stephen from their paren ts, values are still transferred from other family members. On page 150, Uncle is seen teaching the children which wild foods are safe and which are not, shown through this quotation: â€Å"He shows us which ones we are to pick . . . Under the canopy, Uncle says, if the mushrooms are white, they are not good. † (Kogawa 150). This quotation displays the transfer of wisdom from Issei to Sansei, a transfer of values that, without the Japanese internment camps, would have been transferred by the Nisei generation, specifically Naomi and Stephen’s mother and father. In September 1941, Naomi’s mother travels back to Japan to take care of Obaa-chan, her ailing grandmother, with promises to Naomi to return to Canada soon (Kogawa 72). Shortly after, the bombing of Pearl Harbor takes place, leaving the whole continent of North America in fear and shock.With restrictions put in place on the movement of the Japanese-Canadians, Naomi’s mother is unable to return. With the absence of her mother, Naomi misses out on the values her mother would have passed on to her. Naomi instead relies on Obasan to learn her values in the internment camps. Because Obasan is Issie, there is a gap between her generation and Naomi. This gap includes Naomi adopting Japanese values and traditions, rather than the Japanese-Canadian values she would learn from her mother. For example, on page 138, Naomi is taught to not be â€Å"wagamama,† or selfish and inconsiderate, by Obasan (Kogawa).This teaching demonstrates the disruption the internment camps had on transfer of values, forcing Naomi to rely on Obasan to learn core values as opposed to her mother or father. Obasan teaches Naomi other important values, like kindness and generosity. Obasan and Naomi are travelling on a train when Obasan notices a woman, who recently gave birth to a baby, which has no belongings. Obasan displays kindness and generosity, sacrificing some of her food for the woman and baby, stron gly influencing Naomi and teaching her important values: â€Å"Obasan hands me an orange from a wicker basket and gestures . . â€Å"For the baby,† Obasan says urging me† (Kogawa 121). This transfer of values from Obasan to Naomi, though gapping generations, produces an immediate effect. On the same train ride, Naomi mimics her aunt: â€Å"In a fit of generosity I take my ball and give it to Stephen. â€Å"You can keep it,†Ã¢â‚¬  (Kogawa 124). Throughout â€Å"Obasan,† Aya overtakes the role of mother, and clearly transfers values from her generation to the Sansei’s in the best way she can. In the final analysis, â€Å"Obasan† provides an in-depth look at the Japanese internment camps and the effects these camps had on the Japanese-Canadian people.By separating families, the Japanese internment camps disrupted the transfer of values between the three generations, the Issei, Nisei, and Sansei. This separation, in â€Å"Obasan,† speci fically involves the mother, father, uncle, and Obasan of Stephen and Naomi. It’s truly remarkable, and a testament to the caring Nakane’s, that Stephen and Naomi matured to be such successful individuals. Works Cited Kogawa, Joy. Obasan. Lester & Orpen Dennys Ltd. , 1981. Print.